
So does anyone think we will be able to travel to Cuba in the next few years?

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So does anyone think we will be able to travel to Cuba in the next few years?




  1. Probably not until Raul kicks the bucket.

    To Richard K:

    What fairy tale land do you live in? The Cuban people have not had "control" over their country. Castro and his ilk do. Tell me, what happens to people who dissent in Cuba? What happens to people who want to change the way they live in Cuba?

    Sitting in a dank prison isn't exactly having control over a country.

  2. One of the great things about travelling to Cuba is that there are no Yanks there - completely devoid of check shorts and the morbidly obese.

  3. You can travel to Cuba now.   There are no direct flights from US, but if you go to Canada, I know Air Canada goes to Havana one time a week, also I believe Air France and of course a large number of South American airlines, you just have to fly outside US first...

  4. . In my own opinion, yes that time will come in not too distant future. For sure it is certainly a different Cuba  from when it was a playground for gambling, prostitution, mob influence and  Batista  was the  corrupt puppet of the U. S  constantly stealing from the country.   Castro was obviously no angel but at least Cubans have  controlled their own country for the past fifty years

  5. Yes , there are already now an estimated 100,000 US citizens that have travelled ( illegal) to Cuba via Toronto and

    Cancun. To travel legally you need a license from the OFAC.

    Check this :

    After the resignation of Fidel Castro and the elections of a new president in the US. things might  change.

    But keep in mind , the Cubans are afraid of beeing overruled by the US , chances are great that they only will allow a limited access to US citizens.


  6. Little Ben, Richard K and Havanalover have all given you good answers. So hopefully you'll be able to head to Cuba at some point in time. I've just been talking with some friends of mine who live in the US and they can't wait to go to Cuba one day too. They're are thinking of coming to Canada and taking a flight into Cuba until ways open up from the US.....

    So if you want to get into Cuba without a special license from the US, go via Canada or Mexico...or you can get a license from the US government if you want to go for humanitarian purposes, education, volunteering, etc....

    BTW, Cubans don't sit in dark prison cells unless they've actually committed a crime....other countries have dark jail cells too. And Cuban government actually encourages people to be creative, make business, and do more. Not everyone is forced to do 'illegal' business.....everyone knows that here in North America or Europe, and other well-off countries where there is supposed to be more freedom and luxury, many people don't have all amenities nor are treated fairly either....

    Cubans have dignity and self-respect....yes we got off topic, but some comments people make maybe be correct in some ways yet might be slightly unobjective.

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