
So does these freak tornadoes in Virginia prove Global Warming..?

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So does these freak tornadoes in Virginia prove Global Warming..?




  1. I think so... sort of. It could just be freak weather, but it seems we've had too much freak weather for it to be 'freak' weather anymore.... And really, if no one takes charge of this situation, we're gonna die by 2100. How's that for gloom and doom?

  2. tornadoes have nothing to do with global warming.. it's a mixture of 2 currents of air.. from a thunderstorm.. the earth has been producing thunderstorms and huge tornadoes since 840 billion years ago.. 30 years ago my grandparents house was destroyed from an F5 tornado..

  3. Jared, the earth is 4.5 billion yrs. not 800 billion.

  4. proves globel cooling

    Global Warming is a Hoax

  5. Nothing proves global warming.  This is tornado season, it may have started early, but that's how things go.  Our atmosphere is dynamic and it doesn't care about schedules.  Hurricane season is a few months away, and warmer temperatures will actually make them less severe, because of wind shear.

  6. Hey! you have the honor of being the first to ask this question.;...

  7. What makes me wonder about global warming and tornadoes is last winter there were many tornado outbreaks often during that season. The fact it was warm enough to create tornados is not normal in the winter

    that sounds like global warming to me

    but tornadoes in the spring is more normal

  8. The best proof that global warming doesn't exist is that the democratic party is  behind it. Lets admit, they've never been right about anything.

  9. Tornados prove nothing they have occurred since before we were born.

  10. Define "freak tornadoes".  Tornadoes in the spring is very normal.  So no, I would say that it doesn't prove anything.

  11. I am continually amazed about the number of disbelievers that humans have an affect on this planet.

    Let's be concise - the problem with altering our climate - global warming is an overall average temperature on the surface of the earth.  Greenhouse gases contribute to this... but the real devastating effects could be felt by Global Climate Change - which we may or may not be totally prepared for.

    So while it might be hotter say in the Arctic (that's bad - need that ice) it could be colder where you happen to be...

    ANYWAY - I do believe human beings impact the earth -often in a negative way.  But a few tornadoes doesn't prove GW.  Nor do unseasonably warm or cool temperatures.  Rather what does "prove" it is happening- and what does prove the link between GCC and human activity- is the ENORMOUS body of research undertaken by the international, accredited scientific community comprised of experts and researchers from various disciplines.

    Something 90% of the self-styled "skeptics" in this Answers thing (I'm talking to you Dr. Smith) like to dismiss and gloss over much like their talk radio heroes are wont to do!

  12. Nope, just proves freak tornadoes in Virginia can happen anywhere anytime.

  13. al gore made up global warming

  14. No, they are actually saying there is going to be a cooling rather than a warming.

  15. arhh that good old stealth tax global warming again.

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