
So does this mean Palin is more experienced than McCain?

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Obama has been a State or Federal legislator for over 10 years. But people are saying Palin is more experienced because her 2 years as governor trumps all of Obama's legislative experience.

By that standard doesn't that make her more experienced than McCain who's only been a legislator like Obama?




  1. If the saying is true, then Palin should be above all the other three..

    Someone mention McCain being a commander.. I believe Obama's credential will top them all.. Someone who taught Constitutions of US as a Prof. know more and is really more qualified in this area than others in the running. Rule of law seems to be nothing for the Republican though which is why Bush and McCain type will always try to misuse it.

  2. The truth is she's inexperienced. The republicans are now finding this out because none of them knew who she was two weeks ago.

  3. Not really. McCain was also a Commanding Officer in the Navy.

    Doesn't make much of different to me one way or the other I was just stating a fact. Whether his father got him the job or not is irrelevant. It's still looked upon as an executive position and the military doesn't keep people in positions if they aren't performing, no matter how they received the job.

    Trying to denigrate the position and by saying it was thirty years ago or his father got him the job does not help in your justification.

    sorry, but any book smart person can teach law from a book and is no way executive experience.

  4. would you want to be at war with her in charge

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