
So earlier I was accused of having commited an unforgivable sin. What difference would conversion make now?

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If the sin is unforgivable, why should I bother becoming a Christian as so many Christians seem to want me to become? "Unforgivable" means just that -- so nothing I do from this point out can redeem me.

So... why bother?




  1. one time i caught these two people buttfuching in the back of the car....

  2. Just because you were accused of committing it by some flawed human who shouldn't be judging you anyway doesn't mean you've actually done it.  God gets to judge you, not us.

  3. You are forgiven to the degree that you forgive others that allows you to Receive His Grace.

    The Bible wasn't written by Jesus and is only loosely based upon His Teachings.

    The church changed much of what He taught us.

  4. Isn't that where you say,"get down on your knees",...I don't know,thing is,you have to forgive yourself.

  5. Then that person does not understand what the unforgivable sin is.

    The unforgivable sin is labeled as 'blasphemy against the holy ghost' in the bible (Matt. 12:31, Mark 3:29, Luke 12:10).  But this does not mean simply speaking against religion or God.

    To truly blasphemy against the holy ghost, one must have a perfect knowledge of the gospel and then deny it.  So, basically, you've seen God, you know for a fact he's real and his gospel is true, adn then you still refuse to believe.  

    Scripturally, the only confirmed cases of this are Satan, the third of the host of heaven that followed Satan (his angels), and Cain.  In LDS theology, we refer to such sinners as Sons of Perdition.

  6. Different Christian denominations have different interpretations of what the unforgivable sin is, as you can see from the answers above.

    So, it is important to see the issue in its context. The context is that the religious leaders accused Jesus of driving out demons by the power of Satan. Jesus pointed out to them that there is no middle ground, either you are for Jesus or against Him, either you gather with Him, or you scatter. By their own words the religious leaders made it clear that they were opposing the kingdom of God and were themselves the ones on Satan's side.

    In both passages the unforgivable sin is pronounced on these religious leaders,since they witnessed with their own eyes the miracles Jesus did. "This age" was the age of Jesus' life and work on earth, "the age to come" is the age when Jesus will come back and rule the earth for 1000 years. In those two "ages" when people can see Jesus doing miracles with their own eyes and reject the empirical evidence, they commit the unpardonable sin. So, it's questionable that the unpardonable sin can be committed today.

    The unpardonable sin is not the same as rejecting the gospel; a person may spurn the Savior for years, then repent, believe and be saved. Nor is the unforgivable sin the same as backsliding; a believer may wander far from the Lord, yet be restored to fellowship in God's family.

    If you read the whole chapter in Mark 3, you will see that Jesus' physical family called him "out of His mind". Doesn't that sound like blasphemy? And yet, later, James, Jesus' half-brother, meets the resurrected Jesus and becomes a leader of the Jerusalem church.

    Then also consider Paul's statement in 1.Timothy 1:13-14

    "Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus."

    So, I am not giving up hope for you J.P. I have invested too many prayers, tears and sleepless nights to give up on you. If I love you that much, how much greater is Jesus' love for you!

    Here is a glimpse of God's amazing love:

           For this is what the high and lofty One says—

           he who lives forever, whose name is holy:

           "I live in a high and holy place,

           but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit,

           to revive the spirit of the lowly

           and to revive the heart of the contrite.

           I will not accuse forever,

           nor will I always be angry,

           for then the spirit of man would grow faint before me—

           the breath of man that I have created.

           I was enraged by his sinful greed;

           I punished him, and hid my face in anger,

           yet he kept on in his willful ways.

           I have seen his ways, but I will heal him;

           I will guide him and restore comfort to him "

    Isaiah 57:15-18

  7. I think that the unforgivable sin is to...well, now that I think of it, I can't think what it could be.

  8. *chuckle*  I like how the first answer says "Oh don't worry about it... the unforgivable sin will be forgiven".

    It's like telling someone "Don't fret, your irreversible condition is reversible".

    Why call it "unforgivable" in the first place if it's nothing of the sort?

    False advertising, I say.

  9. That sin would be forgiven once you became a believer.

    If you don't believe in God, how could you ask Him for forgiveness....that's why it is the unforgivable sin.

  10. I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. 14The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.  

  11. Jesus said "My grace is sufficient for thee." No sin is unforgiveable. That is the miracle of grace.

    PS: Show me where Jesus says that any sin is unforgiveable. Quote me the verse. I don't think you can do it because it doesn't exist.

    Any sin CAN be forgiven. It's just a question of whether or not you will accept that forgiveness.

  12. I was told the unforgivable sin was suicide and your obviously still here.

    I'm atheist, if you were to you wouldn't worry about it.

  13. There is no such thing as an unforgivable sin. By putting you faith and trust in Jesus he will remove all blame from you no matter what you did. Otherwise his suffering would be for naught.

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