
So far, I have taken 4 AP exams with two 4's, one 3, and one 1...can I still get into ivy league schools?

by Guest62267  |  earlier

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and if i take Calc BC next will replace that 1 if i pass...




  1. admission into an ivy league college has several other factors in it like eca, sat1 and sat 2's, gpa, courses at ur school etc. however ur chances might have been diminished due to the fact that ivy leagues have many applicants but they have to take the best which usually is all 5's

    gl though =)

  2. Universities, including Ivy League institutions, do not weigh your AP scores when determining your admission status. The AP scores can help you later on; you might be able to use the 4's to take care of G.E. prerequisites to get you ahead (depending on your major).

    Your AP scores do not matter for now; you will not report them until AFTER admission. Focus on your GPA, SAT scores (these are vital.. a score of 2200+ should be achieved to be competitive for Ivy League schools), the SAT Subject tests - I recommend you take 2-3 subjects and aim for a score of 700+ on each, and community service hours (400+ hours).

    AP classes help in the application process because they impact your weighted college GPA. However, AP scores do not. Hopefully, you got an A or atleast B's in those classes (I got a 1 on Calc AB too.. and A's in both semesters. Hah! I hated that freakin' test).

    Also, don't forget to write killer essays. Essays can be your lifeline in the process; remember, people with identitical or superior GPA's and test scores will be applying too! Your essays and interview usually determine the reviewer's decisions.

    Good luck!

  3. Your grades and extracurriculars are more important... plus you didn't tell us what exams you got those scores in. If you got a 1 in AP Chemistry it probably won't matter... if you got it in US History that looks pretty bad.


    can someone help me out.. i kind of have  the same problem

  5. AP scores have nothing to do with college admissions whatsoever. Once you are in college, those scores may matter, if you want to place out of intro classes or get college credit.

  6. For ivies, just worry about getting very high scores on the SAT I and II. If you have that and are near the top of your class, you have a shot.

  7. your admission into a college doesnt depend on your ap scores. (and btw i got a 1 on calc ab too! it was soo hard!) they look toward sat/act scores, gpa, essay, and extra curriculars. so you dont have anything to worry about and wow those are really great scores the two 4's and one 3 good job!

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