
So far, have you had a good pregnancy or bad one?

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and what has made it good or what has made it bad? Thanks!




  1. I am 29 weeks with first. I have had a brillient pregnancy so far with hardly any of the horrible symptoms people describe. I have have the odd dose of heartburn but nothing too bad. The only bad thing about the pregnancy is that my mum is in hospital seriously ill which has caused me alot of stress from time to time but I have a lovely partner that has helped me through.

    I wish everyone could have a smooth preg like i'm having because I can't believe what some people have to suffer.

    If I didn't feel baby kick or have a bump I could quite easily forgot was even pregnant.

  2. heartburn a nightmare, being way overdue makes u uncomfy and crabby lol

  3. Hey, I'm 30 weeks too!! 31 weeks on Saturday!!

    So far, my pregnancy has been actually very smooth and easy to enjoy.

    I have had a few worries, my little boy has CCAM (congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation) which affects his lower right lung. Thankfully, the doctors are pleased with him because despite this, he is ok. He will have to have an operation before he is a year old to have it removed but hopefully (fingers crossed) he will have no problems.

    So apart from that, and a bit of heartburn - I can't really complain.

    I am getting increasingly worried about the birth though. hahaha :)

  4. Mine has been good and bad.

    Good - I found out i was having twins!! =)

    Bad - Morning Sickness, Tired all the time, Mood swings!! =(

    Good Luck with the rest of your pregnancy!! =)

  5. so far so good im just grateful to be having this bub i really dont want to complain because i had a loss at the end of jan so i promised myself if i ever got pregnant again id just be grateful and try not to complain lol im 21 weeks and this is my 7th bub 8th pregnancy due to an early but very sad loss cheers have a great pregnancy it my lucky last as im booked in to get my tubes tied  

  6. This is my second pregnancy (third if you count a miscarriage) and it's so much more difficult than when I was pregnant with my daughter. I had morning sickness for the first three or four months. I also suffer from fatigue, heartburn, constipation, hemorrhoids, bleeding gums, and major backaches. I wouldn't change it for the world though. In just 11 weeks, I get to meet the little man who's been making me miserable!

  7. I'm 30 weeks too! I'll be 31 weeks tomorrow. Not much longer for us! :)

    My pregnancy hasn't been too bad, if you exclude the morning sickness (which just about everyone has!), and the fact that I have gestational diabetes and can't eat chocolate or anything sweet :( Kinda makes me sad. But it'll be worth it to see my little baby girl! And THEN I will eat chocolate! :) good luck with everything!

  8. For my first, it was wonderful. still is. My husband has all of the sympathy pains and I get to look at him while I eat my salad. Why can't all men get this?

  9. well I am almost 12 weeks and it hasn't been fun so far.  I have been put in the hospital due to being severely dehydrated and not keeping any food down, I am sick everyday, and tired all the time.  

    Even through all of this I am still excited and happy to be fortunate enough to be pregnant!

  10. A bit of both. Good in the sense of no complications or anything, and after TTC for a while, it finally happened!

    But, I was very sick at the beginning, still am most days, and have an awful case of first time mum syndrome (which in turn causes me to stress out over the most stupid things)

    And my mood is ridiculous. I find myself getting angry over responses on Yahoo! Answers! Now that is sad!

    I had to finish work earlier than expected, so in turn I live vicariously through the computer.  

  11. I had a really good pregnancy. I was about 110 lbs when I found was pregnant. When I went in to have her, I was 190 lbs. Thats the bad part in the pregnancy....the weight gain. The good part is feeling your baby move and experiencing everything with the one you love.

  12. I'm on my second pregnancy.  It's been about the same as my first.  I had crippling morning sickness for 8 or 9 weeks, but after that cleared up, I've had the time of my life!  I have really good second trimesters, I feel like I'm high (I don't do drugs, never have, but I sure feel good all the time).  I've had so much energy, much more energy than when I'm not pregnant.  I also swore off sugar for this pregnancy, and I've only gained 20 lbs so far (compared to my first, I gained 60 lbs).  But now I am feeling like I want this to come to an end.  5 more weeks for me!

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