
So far men have been dominant in every aspect of life in the west,?

by  |  earlier

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both genders live a life of luxury, heck in some countries obesitiy is said to be a sign of poverty (yes eating too much).

Now women demand more power. What do you think, is it worth a shot or do you say, no experiments please, not while things are going so great.




  1. Things might be better here in the USA or Western Hemisphere, but they are not perfect.  We have miles to go before we sleep.

  2. 'Worth a shot'? Women have had over 6000 years of civilization to assert themselves and show their worth. They havent yet----- why are we still waiting?

  3. Things aren't going so great.

    And if you think so much of men and so little of women, go find yourself a man.

    EDIT:  I'm sure any woman would get more pleasure from something with batteries than she would with you. The only support a woman needs is her bra, so give yourself a hand.

    And unlike you,  I already have someone special, thank you.

    Come outta the closet and find yourself a big, brawny, hairy guy since you love men so much and find them so much more powerful.

  4. What do you mean, things are going so great? Just because people have a lot of stuff, doesn't mean society is any better. Neither s*x should be dominant in absolutely everything.

  5. just like us the greek, roman and islamic empires all experimented with gender roles and s*x lib at their peaks.

  6. There are many inequalities between men and women.  Women still tend to have social inequalities, while men's inequalities are often due to how the law is carried out.  I believe the more these issues are publicized, the less they will happen.

  7. Erm... I'm not sure where you live, but in the West of this world Earth men aren't dominant in anything - we have this magickal thing called 'equality'.

  8. great is a subjective term. Since there are changes happening one will only be able to say retrospectively whether life now specially in america is really that great. in fact maybe it isnt and with the looming recession ahead it may be bad. in fact this may well be the lowest period and a change may be what is needed to get people out of the denial mode

  9. Times are changing.. society needs to be balanced with equal distribution of power...

    Accept the inevitable change and adapt to it, coz they are eventually going to get more power...

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