
So far this year i have?

by  |  earlier

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hit the lottery five times , 50 cents a box, $200 dollars

on my pet numbers with two month period, should i put more money on the numbers or continue to play the same.




  1. <<<should i put more money on the numbers or continue to play the same.>>>

    Play the same if the entertainment value is worth the price you are paying for tickets.

    In the long run you will lose money if you keep playing, and the more you play the more you will lose.

    The "smart" thing to do is to quit while you are ahead. I have done that with a few different games and I enjoy knowing that since I will never bet on that game again I will be ahead on that game for the rest of my life. However, if you think it is more fun to keep betting on the same game, that's fine as long as you do not lose too much money on it. It is more difficult to lose too much money if you do not increase the amount you are betting.

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