
So flustered I forgot to get her what???

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I feel like the biggest jerk on the planet!! I rear ended someone today at a red light and her bumber had a little scratch on it and that was it. I gave her my info, but I was so flustered about the whole thing, and I wasn't thinking, and I didn't even take her name.

She said we probably wouldn't need to go through insurance and she would see how much it would be. I know I should call them just to give them a heads up, but what do I even tell them?? All I know is the kind of car it was. I am in total panic mode here!!!

Someone please help.....




  1. Call your insurance company with all of the detailed info that you can give them:

    Car description-make color, damage

    Date & time of day, road conditions, weather, any witness'

    Description of individual you hit-age gender, race, how they were physically after the accident (so they don't claim an injury).

    Location, direction you were going, direction of other vehicle

    In the future do this:

    Carry a CAMERA in your car.  Carry it to take pics of accident scene, cars involved, other driver (capture them in a shot or two which helps to confirm they were able-bodied after the accident).  It really keeps people honest.

    Have extra copies of your insurance card with you - to give to the other person, or cards with info you feel comfortable to give out.

    Enlist any witness' you can get.  People usually will help.

    Call the police so that they can file a report.

    Try to pull out of the way of traffic into a neutral, well lit, non-hazardous spot to exchange info with other driver

    Do not discuss accident except to confirm injuries.  Never admit any error on your part OR accuse the other driver of being in the wrong.  Leave amicably.

    Keep a small spiral type notebook in your glove box.  As quickly as possible, write in it like a diary of ALL details.  Stick with facts.  Don't rant on of anger or fear.  Just note all of the facts in the case with DETAIL of time, road conditions, weather, location, who did what, said what...

    Call your insurance agent and give them the basic info, then get to your computer, compile your notes, get copies of the pictures you took and forward to your insurance agent.  This will keep everyone honest and not rely on memories of a very stressful time, which can change.

    061008  6:15

  2. just call your insurance co and tell them you were in a very small accident it was so small that you didn't get the other persons info but you just want to give them a heads up just in case

  3. First you answer your own question. It is not the end of the world. She much been real good stacked. Funning is over with. Call you insurance company. Give them the information you know. Cause she will turn it into her insuarance company. They will contract your' company.

  4. You should have contacted your insurance after you've exchanged information or even if you didn't get her information. This way the accident would have been fresh in your head especially, since a police report wasn't required.  I suggest you contact your insurance and tell them what happen.  They really want you to NOT be at fault, so they will want to  hear from you.

    If she calls your insurance, they will get the run up on her, her car, and her side of the story relating to the accident. They may call you again to get more information.  If she doesn't file a claim, you will not be penalized.

  5. You call your insurance and tell them exactly what you told us, just to give them a heads up.  If she calls, give her the insurance claim number, agent's name and phone number, she will call the agent, they will send someone out and pay her for her damage.

  6. To someone who said it above.  Please god dont call the police if there is a small scrape when you rear end someone.  Not only will you have to pay to fix the thing out of pocket but you will also have to pay a moving violation ticket to which will F*** your insurance.  If its minor dont pay more or waste police officers time they have better things to do than write stupid tickets.

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