
So has anyone heard of any con artists pretending to be models stuck in south africa?

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i have this girl that is emailing me saying she is from upper america...she told me the state but i dont remember what she said...and she was at a modeling competition near marine parade...she says shes staying in a hotel on the corner of Brickhill & Old Fort Roads...she says she is stuck and needs me to cash a money (says she cant cash it there)order and buy her a ticket home...sounds kinda fishy to me...but i like to help people in need...if anyone has ever heard of this...please tell me...thanks




  1. You can be 100% sure its a scam. too many c**k roaches like that here in SA.

  2. oh my goodness don't fall for are bieng set up like my brother mohammed.....holy f##k please don't do first he said he met a new female friend online...well i didn't bother asking what site or know how gurls are:-)...all i wanted to know is how hot is she and where in morocco does she live. only to find that..she told my brother that she was currently in mauritius she was there through a T.V competition bla...bla...bla...but she is originally from morocco, then as their friendship grew closer,she gave him the impression that she likes my brother so he fell for it but she didn't want to give a pic of herself because my brother might try to hurt her coz she doesn't know him well yet..she said things are falling apart in mauritius...she even gave a real name of a hotel that does exist there aand the street my brother didnt bother asking for the room number coz he bilieved her she claims she needs cash...i don't know what were the rights words that she used to convince my brother but all i know is that he did believe her...

    he didn't tell me what he was planning to do(im 19 he's 26) so i figured he just forgot about her...a few weeks later he tells me i sent her the money through money grams exchange  and the gurl says i will give you someone else identity so that the person will get the money for her....and by that time she started sending pics of herself...only later after eveything he realise at the bottom of the pics there was a website so he entered the site and it was an advertisement company so the whole time he thought  it was the gurl of his dreams..the pictures gave him a wake up later 3 days later he went to money grams exchange there was no trace of anything from the mauritius money grams and the one in morocco...thats when he realised that there must be some one the these ofices working with them coz he even showed his receipt but they claim there was no trace...he wanted to take legal actions but he realised he would be wasting more than what he sent...

    so until today he is still trying to figure out if there was a gurl at all...if these people who did this knew him...why did the emails from the gurl stopped after he snt the money....he even hates the fact that i have a blog....i still didn't ask how he met the brings him sad memories so i don't want to be selfish to ask many questions while he is in pain...this happened in 2007 march...becareful..learn from my brother's mistake please...

    please becareful...through electronic so much can be done to steal from people

  3. THIS IS A the women they claim they are "doctors" or "engineers" and they are held over in S.Africa...could I please "accept" some merchandise for them and they pick it up on their way back to the States. Whatever you do , don't give them ANY piece of personal info about you.They are highly skilled in identity theft.

    p.s. what is "UPPER AMERICA"??? Who TALKS like that!!!

  4. Take the money order to the bank and cash it, if it is legit then there will be no problem and you have been a good human being, however, if you give her the money and take posession of the money order then you are screwed and deserve to be ripped off.

    EDIT Wait a minute maybe it is a bogus money order and you get arrested when you try to cash it?

  5. There are always scams and this does seem fishy, Money orders are very easy to fake. If she is from the US  ( we never use the term Upper America ) tell her if she is in trouble, she needs to go to the US Embassy for assistance to get home.

  6. Don't be silly! It is obvious that somebody wants to steal money from you. Please do not fall for it. Models have a contract and can not be stranded anywhere. Besides she must have family that will bail her out immediately.

    Tell her you can't and see how quickly she loses interest in you or comes up with an additional but more drastic story.

    Try to think clearly! YOU ARE BEING SETUP!

    She might even be involving you in criminal activity. In the same way that some people ask you when you are taking a flight, to please take this parcel over for their granny....once you are arrested...nobody believes you.

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