
So has the election presented us with a no-win choice?

by  |  earlier

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If we vote Obama, we'll all be misogynists.

If we vote McCain, we'll all be racists.




  1. If we listen to you we will al be pathetic

  2. no don't say that most of us only vote because we agree with that candidate

  3. Neither candidate, McCain nor Obama, was born in America either.

  4. If we vote Obama we'll all be broke, you forgot that

    McCain for President

  5. Actually if you vote Obama, the country stays together

    if you vote McCain the country collapses under the weight of its own debt

  6. No if you vote McCain because Barak Hussein Obama is a mixed breed con-artist then you are a racist.

    If you vote for McCain because you like his politics better or his VP choice more you are an intelligent person who votes their conscious rather than letting the liberals frighten you with labels.

    If you vote for McCain because BHO's politics scare the bejesus out of you then you are a rational independent who we need lots of in the voting booth!

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