
So having a party .........?

by  |  earlier

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okay having a party and want to know how many bottles (of wkd) should i let my 15 year old cuz have.

he's ma said he can have 1 or 2 but u know i was just wonderig how many he could be able to handle

ps. dont want to get him lockd




  1. Hmm, WKD has nothing in it really, I'd say 4 small bottles maximum. Just make sure you keep an eye on him and make him eat too, so he doesn't get ill and you don't get into trouble over it. Oh, and don't forget to let him know what you said your aunt said to cover your story :)

  2. wkd?not sure what that is?"Wild turkey:" something?No don't know use your best judgment (All know to say)

    OK got ya 2 would be fine I think

    That can't be vodka it would have to be really bad for it to be so light anyway my answer still  is no more than 2

  3. I thikn that you should repect your aunt, but be a cool to your cuz, so 4.  If he can handle it.

  4. vodka i think

    15 year old? hmm

    i dont think thats suitable!

    if hes shown u hes mature and responsible, then its good

    he is still breaking the law cuz hes too  young to drink even if he is resposible

    take care :)

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