
So here's a Question U R Afraid 2 can we fix the tabloid Internet?

by Guest65750  |  earlier

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Useless and biased information is accumulating at a disturbing rate. What can we do? Censorship wont' work.




  1. here's the answer you are afraid to get, the entire system of news is broken, those who claim to report the news do so by breaking the number one and number two rules of journalism: be objective and be honest. the people who check these so-called "facts" are the same people who made up the story in the first place.

    just look at the very basis of news shows they don't term things as events, they term them as stories, which is basically what the news as become a story that constantly travels across the line of fiction and non-fiction.

    the phrase that newscasters say, you know, "breaking news" is redundant, since that is exactly what has been done.

    the tabloid internet is pointless since it bears no real knowledge of any subject, only the ability to tell a story

    it takes an idiot to write for these tabloids, but it takes an even bigger idiot to take a serious interest in what they have to say

  2. We can't fix it...unless you want to live in China.  Even they can't keep every banned site out.

  3. I'm never afraid to ask anything.  There will always be tabloid news as long as there are idiots to read, hear and then believe it.  It's called supply and demand.

  4. okay...

    This is how you settle it....

    Have Obama go onto the Oreilly Factor.....

    Hillary and McCain did....

    What!!!??? Why would Obama be afraid....

    To be asked hard questions...

    God Forbid...he might stumble....

    but if he is on the side of truth...why be AFRAID...


    after all...he did say he would appear on the Oreilly Factor...

    his words not mine...

  5. Should be Question U R 2 Smart 2 Ask.

    Why should Obama go on O'reilly?  He is not real news, but tabloid-style propaganda.  Should Paris Hilton go on TMZ?

  6. Well, can't say I'm in favor of censoring the internet.  Aren't you supposed to be the champion of free speech?

    Yeah. You're not near as funny as her.

    Keep working on it.

    But hey, good luck in college.  When do you start?

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