
So heres kind of a odd question about those who have or still drink and drive?

by  |  earlier

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Have you ever almost got killed from drinking and driving.. I have...i was 18 and was pissed off at my girlfriend and drunker then oh who knows..but i was waisted...i went thru a stop sign and went into some dudes yard at about 50 mph and missed a tree by i wanna say 2 did i learn my lesson from that and will never drink and drive.

So basically my question is..has anyone else had an experience like that and it still kind scares them from how close they got to death.

That was 4 years ago and that last time i ever drank and drove.




  1. everyone does. i think you should be able to drink and drive. you were able to before. i think its up to you to be responsible for yourself.  

  2. I have seen my own death three times.  The first time I was drunk at the wheel and 16.

    But, heck, that was the 70s when drinking and driving was still, legal in practice, because there were so few drivers on the road and the police had a lot more tax money; hard to believe today.

    I used to build and race street-muscle cars like my '66 GTO modified that did wheel stands in the first two gears.  But, with my very beloved first car, a '67 Chevy Malibu, wearing no seatbelt, I hit a stone wall guarding a forest at 90 mph, was launched 15' into the air, hit two trees, smashed the drivers and right rear passenger windows, flipped over, hit the ground and caught on fire.  I walked away without a scratch.

    I never forgot that.  The last active thought I had was:  I was going to hit that stone wall and I was going to die.  I realized that God was holding my life in His hands and it was only by His grace that I might survive.

    I made the decision to be baptized again at 18 in my mom's Baptist Church.

    In high school and college, I continued to drive drinking until the practice of this law changed unfavorably.

    Now I never, ever, drink and drive.  It is not worth it.

  3. I never gotten into a near death situation due to a drunk driver.  I, however, was in a car with my friends from the soccer match, and we were bumped in the rear by a drunk person driving an RV.  No one was seriously hurt, but one of my friends had a sore arm.  

  4. I have what my friends and I refer to a the "redneck gene". There was a point in time whenever I was drinking, all I wanted to do was take a ride. Not like through town, but out on the back roads. Beer and a dusty, gravel road were my best drinking buddies. Is it stupid? No question. Did I risk my life and lives of others? Every single time. But I had a ball each time. Can't explain why.

    As for near-death experiences, I had one that seemed to occur in slow motion. There were some old unused mine roads near where I grew up that we would frequent alot. On one road in particular you could cross through a hole in the fence, through a small field, and take a shortcut, back toward home. Well one rainy night, I decided at the last minute to hit the field and take the shortcut. I would say I was traveling at about 15-20 mph. As I started down the slope, we realized too late that someone had strung a thick steel cable across the entrance. I hit the brakes, but only started sliding, so I made the split second decision to floor it, and hope to break through the cable. The whole thing happened in like 2 seconds, but it seemed like 10. When we hit the cable, it didn't break at first, but came sliding up the hood of the truck , throwing sparks like lightning. I can't say for sure exactly what it looked like when it hit the windshield, I had closed my eyes. When we got out to access the damage, you could see how the cable had started to saw through the window pillars, but broke finally, leaving a scratch dug into the glass that spider-webbed out as the broken ends unraveled while they were dragged across the glass. I never fixed the two spots on the pillars. And everytime there after that I got the idea to go for a ride, I would stick my hand out the window and rub the one on the driver's side. Somehow, the thought of me and my buddies sitting there with our heads cut off in that field, always did the trick.  

  5. Yea i have drank and drove before. I think alot of people have at least once in their day they just dont want to admit it. If u have had two beers and then drove within two hours of that u are over the legal limit. With that being said it doesnt make it right just cause alot of people do it. I used to do it all the time and thank god i never hurt myself or anyone else but then I got caught and it was terrible and i thought i learned i my lesson and i vowed to never do it again. And low and behold i got off track and did it again and got caught again by the cops this was a year ago and i am still paying for my bad decision in fines and not be able to drive now and alot of other $hit. Moral of the story dont drink and drive its not worth it.  

  6. I don't drink and drive, never have, I had an alcoholic father who drank and drove and it's despicable, Drunk driving should be charged as 1000 counts of attempted murder, because that's what it is.

    I'm not trying to be rude, just sharing my thoughts on the subject. Drunk driving does kill, and not just the drunk person, it kills innocent people.

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