
So how about those JGR Toyota's?

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#18 and #11 didn't survive the race. #20 was lucky to experience the problem yesterday in practice and switch engines. It put a huge smile on my face tonight when Kyle Busch was done for the night only after 50 laps.




  1. At least the jr fans have one thing to cheer about.  JGR brings a new engine package to a non-points race to see how it would hold up.  Conclusion: awesome speed but no durability.  Good thing they were smart enough to try it at a non-points race instead of one that really matters.

  2. kyle busch's new routine,,,,,,bow, then blow.......

  3. Oh boy, don't go stirring that pot again, late, i am getting out of here, I hope you have a big pot and more than a wooden spoon on you, to keep them back. Put a noodle strainer on your head, just a suggestion.

    But it proves that those Toyota's are NOT CHEATING!!!!!

    Sorry Bush fans, I had nothing to do with it.

  4. They were probably testing a stronger engine package for future races and found out it doesn't work. Don't worry the 11, 18 and 20 will be strong just as they have been all year. In fact based on the car he had tonight, I'm going to say the 18 will be the car to beat next week in the 600.

  5. You just love to try and cause trouble, don't you?

    This wasn't a points race, so Kyle's still leading the points standings. Still smiling?

  6. You weren't the only one smiling at that one!! I was glad to see KB out but not so much with Denny and I am glad Tony's problems were during practice and not during the race a few more laps and Tony could of added some excitement!!lol

  7. Well, the announcers commited on how they were putting a package that sacraficed durability for speed. Either way, congrats kahne!

  8. Must've gotten a line on some old DEI engines. Either that or Shrub and Hamlin overdrove the cars(standard Jr hater line when he blew a motor last year, no matter how many other DEI motors went).

  9. They should of let ''THE CAT IN THE HAT'' put a COON-TUNE on it  fur'em !!!

  10. lol, I am still laughing, and me and my DVR as usual had to rewind and watch the joyous occasion, when Kyle had to head for the garage..

    he did win the burn out, but hey, fell short where it counts.

    Kasey was great, I was so happy for him, this is his first race since Oct 2006 he has won.......he said it was a long dry spell for him........

    glad he won....

  11. You know what's really cool about it? It was a mechanical failure, not a driver error. The American people love watching Toyota have mechanical issues in it's first full season. I was afraid that Toyota might have all those little tiny men scrambling all over those rides, minting them out for the race. I love when other teams technicians fail. That's when racing becomes exciting. Put it on a technical level and hang the drivers out to dry. I thought it was sweet that Kasey stole the show in a Dodge, and Penske Racing was looking good too.

  12. still time, Tony is the only JGR driver that is a great driver.. ..the other 2 wonder Tony is leaving and the sooner the better for him

  13. I think Gibbs has found more horsepower than any other team.  Did you see how far the 18 was in front of the field?  The second place car couldn't even see him???   WOW  Wonder why the other Toyota teams aren't ahead of the pack every week?  Seems like all Toyota's are not getting the same information that they said was going to be available to all of the teams running Camry's.

  14. You Jr. fans were so glad because that's the only way he would lose. You can bet Kyle will be VERY hungry next week, and I'm sure they'll get those engine problems worked out for the 600

  15. what's the line from buckaroo banzai?  oh yeah, "laugh while you can, monkey boy." (just a quote, not calling anyone a monkey ;-)

    enjoy it while you can - it won't last long...  my boy was seriously dominant again, and without mechanical failure, the race would have been even more boring than it ended up being.  (not one caution, no bumpin', no bangin', no rubbin', and not much racin')

    anyways, it was my fault - i washed both my kyle busch and my jgr shirts just before the race.  i must have washed the luck (along with the funk) right out them...  see if i wash those shirts again!!!


    congrats to kasey!!!  the fans spoke, and he stepped up and answered.

    ps. iggy you must have one whacked dvr.  kyle didn't win the burnout competition, biffle did.  maybe you should pay more attention to things other than kyle sometimes...can't keep your eyes off him, can ya?

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