
So how come Palin is governor of a state with high gas prices?

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Even if there is a lot of fossil fuel being drilled in her state? So where does that Alaskan oil go then.




  1. Because there are no refineries in Alaska.

    And gasoline must be shipped back to Alaska.

    Which cost alot more than shipping gasoline around the continental US.

  2. Good question and I am sure a republican will have a good BS explanation for you.

  3. EVERYTHING is expensive in Alaska. Two eggs and bacon at Dennys will cost you $25. The state government offsets it with yearly checks to each citizen of about $5000. They don't pay sales tax. They don't pay any income tax. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me, and I wish I could go up there.

  4. We in Alaska have high gas prices b/c our oil has to be shipped down to be refined, and then shipped back up to us. That costs a lot of money. We are in the process of getting our own natural gas line right now, and that's thanks to Sarah Palin. It was an ongoing issue for months and she would not compromise. She taxed the oil companies and they threatened to pull out of Alaska, but she stuck to her guns, and the project is going forward.

    Also, she has started an investigation into why our gas prices are so high. She knows it's not okay, and she's doing something about it. In addition, as soon as next week for some,  Alaskans are getting a rebate to offset our gas prices. She's also put a one year hold on taxes to gas- so just last week gas dropped more than 10 cents a gallon in Alaska.

    I have met this woman in person, multiple times, and she is an amazing woman- in her personal life and her work life.

    Also, the money we get every fall is from the Permanent Fund Division and it is extra revenue from our oil. Anyone who is an Alaskan resident gets this money- even outsiders who don't know what they're talking about can move here and get it. Also, this year is a record breaking year for our PFD's (permanent fund dividends), and we think it'll be just over $2,000...we have never in the history of the state recieved as much money as the guy up top thinks.

    You sound ignorant when you present something you know nothing about as fact. Thanks.

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