
So how come inuyasha still have feelings to kikyo but not have any feelings to kagome?

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during the episodes of inuyasha so how come inuyasha still have feelings to kikyo but not have any feelings to kagome i want you guys to be more specfic and your honest opinion plz thank you :) :)




  1. he does.......kikyo was his 1st love and like everyone knows you never forget your 1st love and he feels responsible for what happened 50 years ago........ he loves kagome but he has always been scared to show his true feelings..........anyway there's proof but i don't want to spoil it for those of you that never read the manga if u just want to see the ending or know what I'm talking about i will leave a link (if you plan on watching the anime to find out the ending that wont work there are only 167 episodes which is only 356 chapters of the 558 chapter manga/story)

  2. I used to think the same as you when I was watching Inuyasha but I kept watching eps and I started to notice that Inuyasha was becoming more and more close and fond of Kagome. Like getting jealous when someone [ a man] wanted her. For example: when Miroku first showed up and was asking Kagome to bare his children lol [that was ep 18 or 19, dnt remember]

    Another one was ep 13 I think that was where Inuyasha was starting to have some feelings for her because he saw her crying for him, something that maybe no one has ever done for him before, and he told her he liked the way she smelled. [when he told her a few eps back that he didnt like the way she smelled] But then Kikyo appeared in ep 14 and 15 and that was where everything got complicated. He got more focused on Kikyo.

    Other hints was when Koga appeared lol he got extremely jealous!! and SERIOUSLY jealous, the instant he saw him he wanted to fight him but Kagome always told him to 'Sit" so he got angry. lol

    And when Kagome gets kidnapped, he goes nuts looking for her... and he gets very worried about her like in one ep she was kidnapped because he wanted to see Kikyo [Well i dont want to give u more spoilers than that] but basically when he noticed she was kidnapped he felt responsible and felt really bad about it and he promised her that wont ever happen again

    He has feelings for her, the problem is that he doesnt show it.. he's very proud and stubborn cuz whenever Kagome leaves for her ERA[ where she's from ] he wants her to come back really fast so they can look for the jewels but in fact he just misses her, also whenever they fight he feels lonely without her although he doesnt want to admit. Sango Miroku, Shippo and even Kilala notice it too.

    He sometimes even blushes with her.

    U just gotta look at his actions more instead at listening to his words.. he actually says things that he doesnt mean..

    He actually loves Kagome, the problem is that he still feels very responsible for what happened 50 years ago with Kikyo.. he can't move on. is like he's stuck there.. but I dont think its love anymore.. it's just that maybe he cant accept what happened u know... he really loved Kikyo [it was his first love] and maybe still now but I dont think its as strong as before because he's with Kagome now.. and even Kikyo said it: Inuyasha has changed since its with her.. [something like that] and KikYo also noticed that Inuyasha cant live without Kagome but Kagome thinks Inuyasha cant live without Kikyo and viceversa. As long as Kikyo is there he cant realize his feelings for Kagome because he only has eyes for her [or so he thinks] because his heart already belongs to Kagome.

    Well, I hope this helps. Just try to look more at Inuyasha's actions.. u'll see wat I mean. He really loves Kagome but just doesnt notice.

    Enjoy the show! =]

  3. cus he's g*y

  4. Inuyasha does have feelings for Kagome. i think he is in love with the memory of Kykyo because she died and they shared something. but if they were all 3 standing together, he would def. choose Kagome.

    but then again since Kagome is Kykyo's reincarnation isn't he in love with the same person?

  5. inuyasha does have feelings for kagome it

    is pretty obvious. he protects her and they

    blush at each other as well. it may seem like

    he doesn't care but he does he truly like's kagome. but at the same time can't let go of

    kikyo because she was his first love. so he's

    basically traped between the love of kikyo

    his first one true love or kagome the girl who

    has cared and helped and that has feelings for

    as well. but kikyo is dead so it gives him one

    more reason to love kagome. but as long as

    he knows kikyo is out there his love will still

    remain. love truly never dies he will always love

    kikyo but will let her go for kagome.  i personally

    like kagome better.

    hope i helped !!! :)

  6. He does.

    If u remember the 1rst time InuYasha turned human, and he was wounded, he asked Kagome if he could lay his head on her lap and said she smelled nice and stuff...

    It's even more obvious... the way he protects her...

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