
So how did Michael Jackson's face really turn White?

by Guest31999  |  earlier

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So how did Michael Jackson's face really turn White?




  1. he bleached himself

  2. Skin bleaching.  He wanted so badly to be Elizabeth Taylor.

  3. he was brown because he was full of ****. then someone scared him hahhahah

  4. he had plastic surgery.

  5. plastic surgery...the guys a freak show!!

  6. he turned white cause he wants to be an angel  

  7. magic

  8. You are so 90s.

  9. I think it was skin cancer.  

  10. ^^I 2nd with Jackie^^

  11. saw amy winehouse shaving her snatch

  12. he took too many bubble baths

  13. He had skin cancer

  14. some sort of illness  

  15. he had plastic surgury for his body

    hes such a dooshbag

  16. a) he bleached it

    b) he has vitiligo

  17. You painted it??

  18. i think its vitaligo. is wher the skin has no pigment and you haev to be really careful of the sun becasue you can get cancer easily

    I just looked into it and other resources say its vitaligo too

  19. He had a skin disease which caused his face to change color.

    I saw it on "The E! True Hollywood Story:Michael Jackson"  a while back.


  20. michael jackson is my uncle. lol jk. he bleached his skin many times.;...

  21. I think he underwent surgery so that they could "bleach" his skin. Whatever it was, it was 100% unnatural. And I think it also got paler because his skin can't be exposed to the sun, hence that umbrella he carries around.

  22. lots of skin bleachers and tons of makeup.

  23. he had a diesease that turned him from white to black and not all of his face was white so he bleached the rest of it and got a nose job like 7 different times

  24. Vitiligo.

    It's a disease that makes the pigments in your skin colorless.

    Sucks for him, because honestly, it makes him look extremely pedo-ish.

  25. Surgical procedures are likely the culprit, just like every other horrible thing he has done to his face over the years.

  26. I think he has some skin disease, I can't remember the name, usually it hits in spots, but Mike opted to have a full body make over...

    Happy 50th anyway... You still dah baddest!   I love yah  but my son can't spend the night...

  27. He has a genetic disorder that causes his skin to fade.  It may be something like vitiligo.  That's what I've always heard.

  28. He apparantly had Vitiligo, which runs in his family. It's a disease which whitens the skin... he says that he also was on medication which helped ease the pain and help the skin, but it's side effect whitened the skin even further.... so basically a combination of Vitiligo and medication to prevent it

    I know a few people with the disease and I've never seen it to this degree, the people I've seen usually have certain areas which are different, never their entire body... IDK maybe he has it really bad, or maybe he figured I don't want to be two colors so if you can't reverse it speed it up so it'll just be one color

  29. this like blast from the past? this is so 80's come on now where you been? why ask now? after he's had more surgerys than an entire nation.

  30. come on this again??....he was a regular, good-looking black guy...who in the early 80's decided that he just wasn't good enough looking,,,,....hence....he started s******g around with plastic surgery to make this look different,,,then that,, then this then that,,,then acid to make him white,  more acid....more white...untill now he has a face that looks like a horror film.....and he's screwed for life......end of story.

  31. He has skin conditions Vitiligo and Lupus.

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