
So how did you become an umpire?

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I dont care what level you do just want to how you started.

I am doing calripken and baberuth leauge.

I did little leauge for about 4-5 years and calripken before 2-3 (bases only) a the time.

Now i do behind the plate in calripken




  1. I'm not an umpire.

  2. Umpire Scool

  3. Actually I started purely by accident.

    I played ball starting at about age 8, went through the Little League programs, played through high school and a couple of seasons in the low minors before I realized I wasn't going anywhere.

    I was actually attending one of my oldest nephews games (I guess he was about 8 years old or so) and one of the umps for another game hadn't shown up. My brother in law suggested that maybe I could work the bases, so I did. The league ended up asking me if i would stay on, so I worked maybe another 10 games or so on the basepaths, then got some training in the off season, and started working behind the plate, Little League games at first, then adding high school and college games later. 20 years (and just over 2000 games) later I called it quits when my knees got too bad to crouch anymore. Took a couple years off, then went back to doing the occasional Little League game this year - light schedule - only 2 or 3 games a week.

  4. To do HS ball in your state contact your state HS association for information.

    To get into the minors, You must attend either recognized umpire training course (Wendelstedt School or Evans

    Academy), succeed there and progress to the Development course and succeed there to ge tinto the minors.  Work your tail off and progress to get a shot in the minors.

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