
So how do health visitors work?

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just curious, I always see folks from the UK answering questions with "call your health visitor or let her know next time she comes 'round". So could someone please explain what exactly a health visitor is and does? Is this just for right after you have a baby or anytime?

here in America we're pretty much on our own after we leave the hospital and maximum maternity leave is 12 weeks unpaid (most women are only able to take 6). just wondering how things work in other places. thank you!!




  1. Not Sure about Health Visitor, however materity leave is full pay for 6 months, and then you can have an optional further 6 months unpaid (but they have to keep your job open to you).

  2. hello i live in the UK and health visitors help you after you have had the baby after you midwife doesn't your midwife comes round a few times to check on you and your baby. then you get the health visitors that are roughly the same they check on you and baby and weigh the baby and you can ask her any questions or concerns you may have. After a month or so we can go down to our health centre on a certain day and the heath visitors are there and they weigh your baby , take the length and they give you advise on feeding,potty training,weening and other stuff. Everyone always moans about them but i think they are great.

  3. Hi I am from the UK.

    We have a health visitor 10 days after the birth after our midwife stops visiting.

    They weigh your baby, and check developement when they grow like speech, movements etc.

    They are also there for the mothers to make sure that they are Ok..

    They can give advice on feeding either breast or formula, weaning onto solids and general advice on health.

    They are with you through childhood and especially up to school age(around 5)

  4. I am in the US but just wanted to say isn't it crummy here like that! we are in the minority on this, other countries have much longer leave time and more help. It seems like having a baby is seen as more of a burden in the US to employers instead of a blessing.

    Also, I don't know about all but I am sure most counties have public health nurses, i know mine does. But in my county the baby has to have a health concern or no insurance for the nurse to come out. They do weight and length and answer any questions and give lots of info. I had one come out because of my daughters health when she was born.

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