
So how do i used differential and intragration in my real life?

by  |  earlier

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Well i currently still used simple mathematics to do some calculation in my working life but i hope to learn to used either intragration and differential equyation in them... so when do i used them?




  1. Most people don't.

    I have actually used logarithms to determine the strength of electromagnetic wave at a given distance from a source.  I never expected that information would have been useful.

    The math you learned is going to pop up in the most unexpected ways.  Even if it doesn't mean much, at least you'll understand whats going on.

  2. You can get an equation from any process and with differentiation you can determine the rate of change of the process. Hoe quickly a tank will fill up. With integration you can work out the consumtion of electricity over a period from the equation that you found. You could also use it to get averages.

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