
So how dressed up you all got to be to shop at wal mart?

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So how dressed up you all got to be to shop at wal mart?




  1. Just make sure you have showered, have on clean clothing that fits with no holes and you'll be good. Oh and don't forget to match and wear shoes!

  2. LOL...u never kno who u might run into since EVERYONE shops at did u get booted for not dressin up enough or are u sick of seein over-done desperate-for-attention  types at walmart?

  3. i've seen every state of dress at walmart when i've shopped there

  4. you must be dressed appropriately for shopping.  casual attire is o/k, but take into consideration where you are.  female wal-mart shoppers will find themselves well dressed if they wear tight halter tops made of cheap imported fabric and stretch "low riders" pants at least one size too small allowing a fat roll to appear between top and bottom, and of course dirty sneakers or flip-flops.  males should wear an extra baggy tee shirt and outsized pants with 30 pockets,and of course the open shoe look is in.  untied of course.  don't forget to wear your cap with the bill either backwards or off to one side as to totally render useless the sun shading purpose of the bill.

  5. Casual dress is fine - for example, jeans and a t-shirt. But I do have a hard time seeing people walk around in public, in the middle of the day wearing something like sweatpants and a cami.

    Basically - I just appreciate it when people at least try to make it like they didn't just roll out of bed and go out in whatever they were wearing.

  6. u dont gotta dress up at all.  people wear practially wear paper bags there.

  7. whatever you are wearing when you remembered to go to walmart.....

  8. I wish people would put a tad more effort into how they dress when shopping there.....especially on the first of the month.

  9. GO ALL OUT!  Red and white checkered Daisy dukes on with an orange and yellow stripped shirt and a pink hat to really put the outfit all together.  WOOHOO!!! Lets go shopping @ WALMART!!!

  10. Not very.

    I once saw a very old, slightly larger lady in her swimsuit with a towel wrapped around her.



  11. ah you know i put on some nice pajamas, brush my mullet, wash my confederate flag tatoo, put on my camoflage jacket (still stained in deer blood), get my electric wheel chair because im too overweight to walk around walmart, get my 13 wild and screaming kids to come with me, and tahts how i get prepared to shop at wal-mart.  basically going to church and going to walmart, i wear the same thing... pajamas and camo jacket... with my tatoo showing.... mullet brushed.... and my 13 kids.

  12. Well, you don't have to be dressed up at all, jeans, T-shirt. That sort of thing. I am sure the company has a no shirt, no shoe, no service policy. It is by no mean a high end store. Are you serious???? Have you never been to a walmart???? Good Luck to ya'

  13. It's all good as long as you're not breaking any laws.

  14. Just cover the necessaries & wear shoes of some kind - they could care less.

  15. The sign says shoes, but apparently flip-flops (the slippers not the political change of position) are acceptable. The sign also says "shirt", but apparently a greasy, sweaty t-shirt is acceptable, young women are apparently allowed to wear halter-tops.

    The sign says nothing about pants, which is baffling, but I suppose it is assumed that you will at least wear pants, shorts even very short ones are acceptable, once again, even very short tight shorts that leave little to the imagination worn by young females seems to be acceptable, they're in the store and no one stops them, not even the cop on duty.

    I'm not judging anyone, just answering your question.

  16. I used to live in a mid-size city.  Wal-Mart was nothing.  So, I grew up under the impression that people could go to Wal-Mart wearing just about anything, because it was just a store.

    ...In the middle of High School, I moved to a VERY small town.  We have a Wal-Mart.  And some people -ladies- feel they must dress up to impress other ladies at Wal-Mart.

    It's really weird.  o.o;   I think you could go to the store in just about anything, as long as you're not naked.

  17. is that a joke?

  18. Just don't go in your pajamas!!

  19. I think the rule is "No shirt, no shoes, no service"

  20. I pretty much wear anything i want besides my "underneath" clothes.

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