
So how long do you give it until there is no need for this section?

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I give it 2 years tops, Global Warming should be exposed by then.




  1. Ha.  I give it several decades.  It will take that long for the nay-sayers to be silenced into obscurity.

  2. You're way too optimistic.  It could be 2 - 3 C warmer with the coastlines crumbling into the sea and the scientifically illiterate ideologues would still be denying the reality of global warming.

  3. The end has already begun.  Looking at global temperature data, it is almost certain that the thirty year temperature oscillation has turned to cooling (right on schedule).  This will cause global warming to drop off of the political hot list as the liberal politicians and their ilk move on to the next crisis that they hope to use to take control of our lives (who knows, maybe it will be global cooling).  We should be free of global warming hysteria for another 30 years until the cycle turns again.  Fortunately, I will probably be dead by then.

  4. Hopefully this section will turn into something more than a poo flinging contest over whether humans are causing most of it (something most experts are already very confident about) and into what can be done about it. Eventually maybe even Al Gore's name won't be used as if it's a powerful argument against global warming science.

  5. There'll be a need for this section as long as people have questions about global warming. Since global warming isn't going away anytime soon, and since us humans are a naturally inquisitive bunch, I predict that this section will stick around as long as the rest of Y!A.

  6. As we get closer to the year 2012, global warming should move out of the headlines.

    In 2012, the Mayans, Nostradamus, the Babylonians, and even the Bible talk about the end of the world.  People will be talking about the planet Nibiru aproaching Earth.

    Movies will be made, Internet chat rooms will be a buzz, people will believe that our time is limited, and scientists will back up their fears.

    This will be like Y2K on steroids.

    Once this happens, people will completely forget about global warming, which will be global cooling by then.

  7. they should open up a global cooling catogory.

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