
So how long do you have braces on for???

by  |  earlier

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and how much does it hurt from an 1 to 10 scale? I'm thinking about braces but I'm frightened. I'm already going to be 15!




  1. it took a little less than 2 years for me, it didn't hurt that much, maybe a 3 at the most, and i didn't take any pain killers, i'm 14 btw and just got them off

  2. I just got back from the orthadontist to get them tightened, and i don't even feel them. don't worry about it, cause they hurt for me maybe 1 or 2 at most.  

  3. it all depends on how bad your teeth are...and as far as pain goes, after a few weeks, you won't even feel them. getting them tightened and re-wired every month hurts, though. but it will be worth it in the end=)

  4. It depends mostly on you - your tolerance for discomfort and whether or not you listen to the ortho doc and do what he says.  Also keep some Advil on hand!  Good luck!

  5. It takes as long as your teeth need to become straight. ^_^

    and it doesn't really hurt at all. At the most, it'll probably be a 4 or a 5.  

  6. I was 15 when I got my braces on. I would say on a scale of 1 to 10 about a 2 or 3. Mine didn't hurt at all. I never wore wax, and the day I got them on, I ate popcorn shrimp and curly fries. I guess it all depends on how bad ur teeth are.

  7. i had mine for 18 months. if u follow all the rules and do what they tell u, u will not have to wear them longer than u have to. my teeth hurt on a scale of 6 after they put the spacers in but that was the ony pain i had. everything else was like a 4 or 5. good luck.

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