
So how long til WW3 starts? iran & russia vs USA and Britain?

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this some scary stuff that the US refuses to rule out military action against Iran in the nuclear stuff and now Russia has pointed nuclear missiles towards europe.....intelligent answers only plz...what do u think? Within 40 years will the next World war start?!




  1. I think within the next year or two a shooting war will happen but a nuclear war I am uncertain about. I pray not but with the way the world is who knows,

  2. Fortunately world leaders from both sides have more sense than the writer. If there is another world war it will not be for a very long time and for a better reason than we have now.

  3. The day after pigs fly. Russia has no interest in being pulverized by the USA. They just make lots of noise before backing down. And there will stand Iran, all alone, saying "oh sheet."

  4. US won't be involved at the very beginning.

    To begin with it'll be Israel and Iran (and Iran's proxies of Syria and Lebanon).  The US and Russia will then get involved due to treaties with Israel and Iran.

    It is in the Bible, the book of Ezekial

  5. Military options are never taken off the table since they reduce a country's negotiating power.  The pundits that see this as something horrible are usually from European countries that relied heavily on the US for defense during the Cold War and thus currently have underdeveloped militaries.  Because of this, the military option isn't really an option for them so the only means available to them are economic/diplomatic.  

    Speaking of the Cold War, Russia was pointing missiles at everyone then.  It shouldn't be suprising that they wouldn't want to position those missiles since they have them already.  

    That being said, there isn't much of a reason for Russia or anyone for that matter to ally with Iran against the US.  They simply have little to gain and everything to lose.

  6. before Nov. I feel. Maybe as soon as sept. Its building Now you can feel it!!!

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