
So....... how much damage was done to the economy by the STIMULUS CHECKS?

by Guest58230  |  earlier

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Wealth distribution - GDP does not take disparity in incomes between the rich and poor into account. See income inequality metrics for discussion of a variety of complementary economic measures.

Sustainability of growth - GDP does not measure the sustainability of growth. A country may achieve a temporarily high GDP by over-exploiting natural resources or by misallocating investment.

Simon Kuznets the inventor of the GDP, in his very first report to the US Congress in 1934 said[1]:

...the welfare of a nation [can] scarcely be inferred from a measure of national income...




  1. What are you asking?

  2. Too much.

    THe government should have worked harder at paying off deficit, instead of borrowing more.

    The problem is dollar values, driving up fuel prices, which is killing consumer confidence.

  3. Depends. does the lowest valued currency in the world buy more than the American dollar yet.

  4. I haven't received mine yet, but when I do it will be invested in two of my basic needs, food and gas, the same as most people will use it for.  The government takes and then gives back little.

    There's so much more damage done with the allocation of my taxes.

  5. Still no negative growth in the GDP so, NONE!

  6. It was a moronic move. Unfortunately it was endorsed by both parties. The democrats are actually talking about doing it again. Many of my fellow Americans have become very stupid, and lots of stupid people have been elected to office.

  7. The same idiots who are against minimum wage are all for the stimulus checks. Makes you wonder if they think at all.

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