
So i've been dating my boyfriend for 2 months, and i'm ready to lose my virginity...but where? ?

by  |  earlier

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what is a good romantic place we should go to do it? i want it to be special.




  1. How about your bedroom,

    or his bedroom.  

  2. Personally, id go for spontaneous. you know...heat of the moment type deal!

    But if you do be careful, and if you change your mind but he doesnt tell him jenna the goth werewolf is gonna kick his a**s!!*twitch*

  3. wow

    two months,

    and your ready to give that up?


    i woud say wait til your married

    but thats just me

    thats something you can never get back


    i would make sure its someone you really love

    and possibly want to spend the rest of your life with..

    i wouldnt want my future husband to have "done it" with many more girls then me.





    at least let it just happen

    not planned or sometihng

    planned isnt gonna be nearly as "romantic"

    just wait a little

    and you could just stumble along to the perfect situation

  4. its better if it just happens, don;t plan it

  5. Do it on the internet....I want to share this wonderful experience with you

  6. anywhere  

  7. lol u ready to lose ur virginity i would say don't do it i bet u don't know wat to do tell him wen u both have a 1 year or 2 year trust most of the guy would have s*x then break up  

  8. Firstly, don't listen to anyone who says the beach... you get sand in places you don't want sand.  

    I'd do it in your room, if you can... get some candles and chocolate and really set a romantic mood.  

    There is also something magical about the back of a car, but I don't know if that's what you're looking for.  

  9. Special is all in your mind. I recently lost my virginity and i always wanted it to be in a special place but it ended up being on his bed, in his place but what made it special is the fact that he is a really great person and i really like him  

  10. its never special like in the movies..grow up. its painful and gross and messy. just pick a place, do it, and get through it and then think of romance.  

  11. 2 months is really too early .. but if u really want to book up a hotel room .. it would be nice !

  12. do it when you happen to have a place alone to take care of the whole situation and not be rushed so you can get over the awkwardness and enjoy it lol

  13. Are you freaking stupid? WTF is wrong with you, there is nothing special about losing your virgnity to someone you aren't married to or someone you KNOW you're gonna be with for the rest of your life! And if he's just a "boyfriend" then he's really not committed to you and s*x is probably the only thing he wants in the first place, and I'm probably gonna get 1000 thumbs down for this but you should really think about the consequences of your actions and if this boy really loves you or just your BODY.

  14. I think Paris would be perf

    or on an island like Hawaii

  15. 2 months!!! dont be so easy.. if he really is the one for you then he will wait until you have a real commitment. if not then he gets your one and only special thing and you can never get it back.  you need to think more about how he will think about you after its over.  will he think your the one he wants to have a family with or are you just an unpaid w***e?  blunt but it gets my point across.

  16. how about just waiting a while see if your feeling grow . it better then getting pregnant or a std u can't get rid of hun  

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