
So i am back with my question . is math boring or history ?

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So i am back with my question . is math boring or history ?




  1. definately history

  2. history is boring...

  3. my opinion : maths is interesting n history is boring.

  4. what is math i know maths but not math


    unless it is about me :)

  6. nothing is boring its how u take to a subject yr mental ability yr aptitude.

  7. History is too much boring.


  8. oh no baby ................ u r question is boring

  9. Both are equally interesting. It depends on your interest and liking. Math needs regular practice for scoring. History, whatever you may do it is rare to get centum.

  10. of corse history is boring....

    maths is the best thimg to study in this world...

    it helps u a lot, and makes u wiser

  11. from my side history, its OK history tells all about the past but history boring

  12. If you have an honest passion for learning, everything is equally interesting.  If not, history tends to be more boring than most subjects.

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