
So i got a call from disney channel.....? i need ur help!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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they called me and said they wanted me 2 come and audition for them officially sat. they said they will give me a short commercial script to memorize and say to them. then if im good i go to the next round.... ect! but i need REALLY good tips on how to memorize things because all ik is that i have a SMALL amount of time to memorize it. please only answer if u have expierence in this kind of stuff.




  1. sorry i don't have any i had a terrible day at a performing arts center that i thought was good but turned into political bull!

  2. make a tune for it like from a song. and sing it

  3. I would be very careful about this.  Many agencies are calling young people, stating that they will be auditioning for Disney, when actually they are a casting agency that will require you to pay for something.  

    Good luck to you if this is real; however, the second they start talking about money, run far and run fast.

  4. Read it over and over out loud. then have someone read the first line to you and you supply the next one from memory and so on; then switch, you do the first line, third line etc.  Then notice the transitions--how one sentence moves to the next and picture what is happening as an image in your head...see it as a story unfolding...then you can replay the story and remember the lines.  The story can even be ridiculous, words following after one another, rolling down a hill, hiding, popping out from behind bushes, whatever--any way to spark your memory.

  5. What you need to do is just read over the script as many times as you can. Read it both out loud and to youself. It really works.

  6. well, great job n landing an audition-how did u do it? haha. read the first line, close ur eyes, say it out loud to urself, read the second line, close ur eyes, recite the first and second line of the script, read the third line, close ur eyes, recite the first second and third lines of the script, read the fourth line, recite the first second third and fourth line of the script, etc. then when ur done read over the script one more time and close ur eyes and recite the whole script, repeat that until u know the script flawlessly. seriously tho HOW did u get an audition with disney?! please let me know, tho i understand if u dont. good luck on ur audition ! i hope you book the commercial !

  7. Eat well and go to the restroom before you start. Interuptions interfere with the learning process. If possible, find a quiet, well lit place to practice.

    Read it once, then read it out loud. If you can, have someone read to you

    If you have time, write the text, reading each line aloud as you write. You will have now used three senses (seeing, hearing, and feeling} that will reinforce each other

    Try to make a mental picture as you read each line.

    visualize your character. Try to understand WHY you are saying each line.

    Act out the lines as you say them. Use exaggerated or dramatic gestures(only during the practice.)

    Read your line using exaggerated speech patterns (again, only during practice.)

    Think about, but don't use, the exaggerations during the actual audition.

    Congratulations, and good luck.

  8. I dont know if youre still looking for an answer for this questions (idk if your audition already passed or not), but what I do when I need to memorize in a short time is I break the audition piece up into parts. Memorize the first line, then slowly move on to the next line. Also, if you relate those sentences with other things it helps. Goodluck with your audition!

    ps. how did you land an audition with Disney?

  9. so whats the audition for camp rock 2?

    how did u submit to them? whos your agent

    for al the info u need to know go to and

    and search the whole site for everythig it wont pup up infront of u

    but take classes do plays and join the drama club build your resume and get an agent

  10. I'd repeat each sentence over again till you memorize it then, go one by one and you'll eventually memorize it.  I'm an actress to and i wanted to know how did you get a call by disney.  E-mail me.

  11. i have hard times memorizing too!

    just read it like 4 times not a lot because that gets me confused then try to say it off the top off ur head and sneak a few words off the paper and then try again and you'll get it . You will do fine im rly happy 4 u =]

    good luck <33

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