
So i got my teeth extracted today?

by  |  earlier

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4 of them. they told me how to care of them, but i feel like its not enough. help ?




  1. Tips for wisdom tooth extraction-

    *Take pain meds before the numbness wears off-you will be much happier.

    *Keep ice packs on your face for the first 24 hours-20 minutes on, 20 minutes off. This will help with swelling. Bags of frozen veggies work really well.

    *Change cotton gauze as needed. If you run out and are still bleeding, moisten a tea bag( any kind of black tea is fine) and bite on that for 30 minutes. The tannic acid in tea will stop the bleeding.

    *Do not rinse, spit or drink through a straw for 24 hours.

    *Do not smoke for 48 hours.

    *Do not eat hard crunchy or things with tiny particles for several days,soft cool foods will be easier( pudding, yogurt, ice cream, popsicles, noodles, mashed potatoes,etc)

    * Do not mix pain meds with alcohol.

    * Do not exercise vigorously for 48 hours- exercise will increase your heart rate and can cause you to start bleeding again.

    *Do not try to stick anything in the extraction sites- you will cause more problems.

    * If you are having pain that does not go away ,even with the medication,call your doctor ASAP.

    *Take it easy, you just had surgery!

    Good luck!

  2. I'm sure what they told you is fine.  It's not the daily hygiene you're used to but you need to give your mouth a break from irritation.  Just be sure not smoke or use a straw and rinse often with warm salt water.  That should protect you from infection and dry socket.

  3. you can't do too much right now...just follow the instructions they gave you and chill for a few days; you do not want to do too much because there is a chance you could get a dry socket and that would be a problem...I know it feels gross not to be able to clean your teeth, but in this case, a few days, or for however long your instructions tell you, will be ok.  Remember not to drink from a straw or spit, take motrin or the prescription they gave you, and you will be over it soon.  take care:-)

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