
So...i have a bad nose.?

by  |  earlier

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:[ yeah.. it really makes me self conscious.

so if i got a lip ring, would it take people's attention off my nose?

because i don't have enough money for a nose job, and i have really tried to accept my flaws, but i just can't see past it.




  1. i have seen bigger

  2. Wow me 2  * instant bond*  but I think it will add attention to your face and people will still see it so why not change your hairstyle or wear cool destracting clothes. That's what I do...

    Good luck  

  3. Honestly, unless you are living in a very accepting environment, getting a lip ring will encourage more stares. And a lot of dirty looks from some of the more conservative people around. Which is the exact opposite of what you want. Also there are risks involved like getting an infection. Don't get a nose job or even consider it. Your nose defines who you are, it is not a flaw, it is a part of your unique individuality. There is no such thing as a "bad nose". Love yourself for who you are. :]

  4. You're beautiful, forget about it.  Everyone has things they can't stand about themselves.  Just because the media/movies/television build up a certain way people should look.  It doesn't mean that's what everyone finds attractive.

  5. saaame here! i hate my nose. it's horrible and it's soo long from profile view and i want to get a nose job so bad when i'm older. no, don't get a lip ring. do things like make your hair have a lot of volume and wear eyeliner and mascara so it takes attention away from your nose.

  6. First you have to accept yourself to be comfortable.

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