
So i have a drug test tomorrow and it will be 2 weeks since i have smoked it.?

by Guest56274  |  earlier

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so if i drink lots of water so that my pee is diluted will this allow me to pass my test?




  1. It should help if you drink A LOT of water before your test.  At my work, they do random testing and if you go to take your test but don't need to pee, they will supply you with water, however, they started limiting us to only 3 16 oz bottles because the tests were coming out too diluted.   So you'd have to drink more than that.

  2. Haha you're fucked buddy. THC stays in your system for MONTHS. You should've done a line of coke, that leaves your body in 72 hours.

  3. sorry mate, but you wont pass a test if you are talking about Mary Jane, If your talking about Ice, Yes you will pass, You will fail a pot test

  4. You have a good chance of being able to dilute it. I have heard that you can smoke a joint a week and it won't show up.  It migt depend on how much you smoked before,

  5. so, im a nurse and this is what i have to tell ya..if you were really worried about that drug test you wouldnt have smoked are in trouble...i suggest you try to go to rehab and get clean....otherwise option 2...get a different job cause tomorrow you might be applying for unemployment!

  6. Depends on how fast your system gets rid of it.

    Some people can get away with 2 weeks.  Some people need months!

    Good luck.

    Course a friend of mine smoked a bowl TWO days before his test, and he passed.  Freaking amazing.  He passed 3 UAs after that too, although he never quit smoking.  They pegged him on the 4th though.

  7. no. it will dilute your test and that means no pass automatically.

  8. depends what you smoked, if you've been flushing it out of your system for a while, your level of activity

    pot stores it self really well in fatty tissue so "bigger" people will tend to keep it in their system longer

    anyways I've found that typically, everything that's illegal is bad for you, and some stuff that is legal is also bad for you, use your brain, why are you doing this?

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