
So i have a quick twilight question...?

by  |  earlier

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okay i'm lame and refused to buy new moon til it came out in paperback so i haven't read the whole series yet. i've decided i'm going to have to deal with eclipse and breaking dawn in hardback though, i can't wait long anymore.

ANYWAYS, after i read the birthday part i was thinking about how they all freaked when she got a papercut. she was dating edward for a while, sooo what did they do when she had her period? couldn't they smell that? did jasper not have the urge to rip off her pants and have a treat? oh gosh that sounds so bad. but you know what i mean? it's really bothering me.

so what did bella do around the cullens when she got her period?




  1. Yep that is a weird question but when i was reading an interview with Stephenie i read what she said before the thought had even occurred to me.

    She said that it is dead blood so it doesn't smell the same and Edward is to much of a Gentleman to mention it or let anyone else and Bella is to shy and embarrassed to ask.

    Hope that helped.

  2. Wow.  That was a way tad too weird even though it makes sense. o.O

  3. I think thats one of those questions that you should keep to yourself.  

  4. I think this is because the blood from the period is like old (like say you scratch you hand, when you bleed it's like reli light and thn when it cools down, it would turn darker) blood

    do you know what i mean??

    and when she bleed when she got a papercut was fresh

    and vamps only likes fresh

    i mean, who would want old blood??

    and i don't think old blood has a strong attractive smell for vampires by the look of things

    so basically, they just go mad for blood that is fresh

    but tbh i see your point

    and this is a reli good question

    but this is all i can give you

    because i can only think of this reason

    hope it helps

  5. As Stephine says in an interview that's dead blood and it does not really bother them

  6. Stephenie Meyer's response to that question "ew".  (seriously, it was in an interview)

    My analysis (though I think that this is a question that is better ignored): period blood is OLD blood, the paper cut was FRESH, so it was enticing to Jasper, whereas old blood was not.

    Maybe they just made sure to hunt before her period came.

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