
So i have an informative speech tomorrow and i chose to talk about paranormal but i really dont know how to?

by  |  earlier

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break it down. so therefore can you help me in telling me how i can talk about ghost and hauntings for 7 minutes?????????????????????????????????...




  1. Open the presentation with a seance, and draw a big pentagram on the class writing board.  Go up to a student - hey, even the teacher - and throw Holy Water on them, and perform an exorcism.  Light some candles, wear some garlic, and bring a gun with silver bullets.  Mention Ghostbusters and call religious people delusional.  That will get their attention, albeit bad attention.

  2. Here are some paranormal terms etc.

    Try to find a really good ghost story to make it more fun and true to life.


  3. You've waited kind of late to ask for help.    I am sure there are websites that give you lots of information.    If you get onto Q&A, you should be able to get on the paranormal websites.

  4. hi hi =^^= I see you are interested in talking about the paranormal, the things you could search for to talk about are types of hauntings, types of ghosts, types of energies, evp's, esp, natural phenomenons, for example you can talk about some scientific reasons these things occur and some of them that can't be explained. Here is a site to get you started. Good luck!

  5. First, this is a must. Know your topic. If you are stating an opinion, let the audience know, it is an opinion and your reasoning's to why you came to that particular conclusion.

    Make a check list of what you want to talk about & the main point you want to convey to your listeners.

    Remember, someone in the audience may have knowledge and or experience in your topic. State true facts and your resources. Practice what you want to cover, time yourself. More than likely, you will make changes as you present the information. That is normal, make sure your check list is covered.

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