
So i have to bring in food from my heritage tomorrow????

by Guest33624  |  earlier

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but i don't want anything too complicated. such as anything that needs to stay hot, or too big to carry around.

im puerto rican. any ideas on what i could bring??




  1. Google puerto rican foods...I'm sure that you 'll find something that fits your needs.

  2. Cookies will be easy -

  3. Fresh salsa and tortilla chips

  4. Try this cold avocado soup. People would enjoy it in Summer. Blend 4 ripe avocados, with 2 cups of chicken broth, 1/2 cup of yogurt, juice of 3 limes/lemons, 1/2 cup of cream, salt and white pepper (to taste). Blend everything together till it reaches a smooth creamy-silky texture. Garnish with chopped tomato, watercress and cilantro. chill it before serving. Voila you have your sopa fria de aguacate. You can serve it in small portions in fancy dixy cups. Enjoy!


    A salad?

  6. Wow, you had at least the whole weekend to think of something (probably longer) and you wait until the last minute? Good luck.

  7. some type of puch dessert or salad

  8. rice and fried eggs

  9. Churros?????? Empanadas?? Bothe are warm and can be eaten at room temperature.

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