
So i heard you are supposed to avoid dairy for nice skin but how do you get your calcium?

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So i heard you are supposed to avoid dairy for nice skin but how do you get your calcium?




  1. I've not heard about that one either. However, I don't worry about whether or not my skin looks "perfect". I just use whatever soap is available and go on with my day. Except for in the morning, my face doesn't feel oily or even very dry after washing. I have more important things to worry about.

    As for calcium.... Soy, broccoli, some beans, spinach and other leafy greens.

    The following links might be of some help. (This is a message board site, obviously, and with helpful people.)

  2. Yes, I've never heard about avoiding dairy for good skin.  In fact, it's just the opposite.  It's an old remedy to take a milk bath---a bath in milk, to help soften the skin.  But that's pretty old and you don't need to do that.

    Dairy is very important in a diet.  Milk and eggs are excellent sources of protein, which helps your skin to grow and renew itself.  Cheese is also an excellent source of protein.

    There might be a problem with consuming products that are processed, so you might consider getting your dairy items from a health food store, such as Whole Foods, which might have milk without all the antibiotics, and eggs from free range chickens.  These are to help your body process the food without lots of extra things which might make your body worse.

    YOu can indeed get calcium from vitamins and supplements.  There are many different ways of it other than taking a pill.  There are some special soy drinks which give you good calcium.  If you are allergic to cow's milk, soy milk is a very good alternative and tastes pretty good.

    One that I like is calcium source in a soft chewy piece, almost like candy, but has about 500 mg of calcium in it.  Can get in different flavors.  Makes taking a vitamin fun and tasty.

    But please do not stop eating dairy products.  It's very important, especially if you are a young person, to get enough calcium so that your body can grow and develop properly and strongly.  Today's kids are greatly in danger of having too little calcium in their diets, which leads to very weak bones which can break way too easily.

    And, yes, soda pop, especially colas, DO take calcium from your body.  So be careful.

  3. never heard that it is great for teeth and bones....NO SODA!

  4. I've never heard of that. Apparently drinking plently of water gives you nice, glowing skin. You need to eat dairy for calcium, because its very important for your teeth and bones. If you're not getting enough, you could try taking vitamin tablets.

  5. Don't avoid dairy for nice skin... you most likely would encounter other problems from this.  dairy is an important part of your diet.

    But you can take a calcium supplement if you are adamant about not eating/drinking dairy.

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