
So i just pierced my ear like 10 min ago. is it okay if i just use the sewing needle as an earring?

by  |  earlier

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okay i have the needle in...but im hesitant to take it out...yes im a can i just leave it in and use it as an earring and let it heal tht way or r needles bad for yur ears? help! i dnt wanna get an infection from the needle. ew




  1. did you at least sterilize the needle? u really should not have done that by your self. take it out and wash your ear

  2. You guys are seriously wayy to Paranoid....

    I've pierced my own ear too, It's not the smartest thing in the word but leaving it in wont kill you. But you NEED to  get some rubbing Alcohol and dip a cue-tip in it and clean all around the need where you pierced it, and slide it both ways just a little and clean there too. If you do that about twice a day for at least 2 weeks you wont have to worry about infection. Best of luck too you mate!

  3. if you didn't want an infection from the needle, you shouldn't have pierced your own ears. take it out and put a proper earring in. if you don't know what you're doing, why would you try it?

    keeping the needle in will almost definitely give you an infection. put earrings in the piercing hole. that's what they're for!

  4. it will probably get infected!

    don't do it. and never pierce your own ears, that is super bad!

    answer mine:;...

  5. It's immature, and rather foolish to pierce your own ear. Infections, bleeding, and extreme pain can occur.

    But, I suppose what's done is done.

    As long as your cleaned your ear properly, and the needle is sanitary and germ free, it should be okay. You may want to stick an eraser-thingy on the sharp end. It could poke you if you don't.

  6. u just peirces ur own ears????? BIG mistake!

  7. loook i have pierced guys ears anddd

    with a sewing needle

    i just hope you cleaned it atleast

    so the risk of infection would be minimal

    but anyway, just take out the needle

    and putting in the ring will be a

    breaseeeee, i pierced my cartalige and up

    to this day its fine (:

  8. You did this by yourself? Take it out soak it in  Hydrogen Peroxide and pray you don't have to be taken to the emergency room.

  9. No, it's not okay to use a sewing needle as an earring. It wasn't okay that you pierce your ear with a sewing needle. If by some act of God you don't get an infection, do yourself a favor and buy the proper jewelry for healing. You can even get hypoallergenic jewelry now from most stores.

    If I were you, I would just clean it, let it heal up, and get it done by a professional. It's a little late to be saying "ew" to infection when you just pierced your ear with a sewing needle.

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