
So i need a 2nd opinion to this question?

by Guest66960  |  earlier

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what do u think this means:

Are people noble-more divine than animal? Or

Are people degraded, corrupt-more animal than spirit?

& how would u answer it

can u explain clearly please in a way id understand

thank you

& please help




  1. hee... Socrates. Love him.  By the way, if you're going to be in an honors philosophy class and you don't get this question you should probably invest in something that makes it more understandable like The simpsons and Philosophy or Does the Center Hold. They'll save you a lot of trouble.

    Also understand that philosophy classes have a lot more to do with YOUR opinion than the original author's opinion. Or rather, your opinion of their opinion.

    What it's asking (and it helps to read the whole conversation) is do we respond to our base instincts or are we above that? Can we rise above lust, greed, vanity etc. in order to become something that is "human" in mind and soul. What is it that sets us apart from an animal that would kill another of its kind over food.

    Basically; is our greed and anger and violence any better or worse than that of an animal. Particularly when we can have a sense of morality and ethics and animals do not (that we know of).

    I wont tell you how I'd answer it because what the teacher wants is your opinion of this and really there's no wrong answer.

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