
So.... i need a good recipe?

by  |  earlier

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as a consumer science project, we have to plan a day at preschool and make a snack. We have to come up with a theme, my theme is construction and fixing. So i need a recipe that relates to my theme, it has to atract to toddlers. And it can be fun or healthy.

Additional Details

i cant make it with them and i need a full recipe




  1. Ants on a Log

    Celery sticks

    Fill the groove with peanut butter

    Place raisins in the peanut butter

  2. They can "build" a flat house:

    use some graham crackers, peanut butter, and m and ms!

    They can make windows from twizzlers or marshmallows.

    This is a tried and true recipe! Enjoy!

  3. as healthy eating is all important, what about fruit kebabs?  you can prepare different fruits in advance and let them thread them on to kebab sticks and name them as they do so (many may not recognise them in their whole form, nevermind in pieces, so a good learning exercise too!)

    I'm sure you'll find that toddlers will enjoy anything that involves making and getting stuck in, so avoid anything complicated and let them just enjoy the different textures, develop the dexterity to thread them on to a stick, and experiencing new tastes.

    have fun!

  4. How about lady bugs. Either they will like them or love them. Take an apple cut it in half, then take a raisin spread peanut butter on it and stick it to the apple. They are fun to make and healthy for the kids.

  5. How about s'mores? The recipe is 2 graham crackers, 1 piece of chocolate (hershey's bar broken up into squares), and 1 marshmallow. First cracker on bottom, then piece of chocolate, then marshmallow, then top cracker. These are usually heated to melt the chocolate and marshmallow but I like them just fine without heating. Just show the kids how to "build" their snack! Yummy!

  6. Construction-  You can construct graham cracker houses.  Have frosting.  Make your own because you can control the consistency.  Have graham crackers, pretzels and so on.  Bring chex cereal, cheerios, etc. to decorate houses.  LImit the candy because the frosting is sweet.  

    Toddler ages will be messy.  So allowing the children to have hands on activity and exploration with the materials is most important.

  7. We used to let the kids in my son's preschool "build" with graham crackers spread with cream cheese.

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