
So i put this question in spirituality about my house but got a bunch of GOD answers. HELP FOR REAL PLEASE?

by  |  earlier

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I have spirit activity in my house. I won't get into the details of it, but I do have a question. I have personally gone to look at the public records. My library only has information on the people that have lived in the house since it was built in 1978 until 2000. I've had someone come in my house and it's supposedly a girl in her early 20s who killed herself. I found that this happened in the last 10 years hence why I can't find anything out since the records only go to 2000. Also, I found out that the house I'm living in was planned to be a home for halfway children so they were in it for a short time to do housework to comply with county codes but couldn't keep up with the cost, so had to move out. The landlord has no idea if anything happened, and since the halfway home kids left, people have been moving in and out after month. I need to know how to find out who this girl is and what exactly happened to her. She can stay, but it's freaky not knowing. Does anyone know what to do




  1. It sounds like you've already had a psychic reading done on your house. Not sure I really believe in psychics.

    Don't search for "a suicide girl in her 20's".

    Search tax records for previous owners. Search county death records for deceased owners or relatives. Talk to people in your neighborhood (the older folks) to find out if they know any history of the house.

    Just because someone tells you that it's a girl that committed suicide, doesn't make it so. Do some real research. I'm sure there are records for the area that go back further than 2000, even if your house isn't that old.

    Also, you could have a residual haunting that is tied to the land and you may never find out who it is. The activity could be a repetitive release of habitual energy that happened hundreds of years ago.

  2. Try some magic to calm the ghost or destroy her if she becomes troublesome.

    Get five quartz clusters. Arrange them in a circle, equally spaced. Put a tiny candle next to each quartz cluster.

    Sit in the center of the circle. (You must do this ritual at night, with all the lights out in your house.) In a copper bowl, put 15 g of sage leaves, 3 g of fennel, 3 g fenugreek, 6g thyme, 6g rosemary, 6g mint, 6g holy basil, 5g myrrh and frankincense, 3g cinnamon.

    Ignite the mixture with a match. Set the burning herbs on the floor in front of you. Get your bottle of holy water ready.

    Close your eyes and say, "Our Father in heaven hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts as we have forgiven our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil."

    Then say...Ghost come out. Tell me how I can help you and leave me alone. Or just leave this place forever. If not, I will kill you.

    If the ghost doesn't kill you first, but it appears, slash it violently with holy water and chant.

    "Ashes to ashes, spirit to spirit

    Take this soul, banish this evil.

    I cast you out! I cast you out! I cast you out with the strength of all those who love me!

    Vade retro satana! Avada kedavra! Abracadabra! Go to h**l!!!!!!!"

    Then throw the whole bowl of smoltering herbs onto the ghost...If possible, make sure the bowl lands on something flammable. The ghost should then die and your house should go on fire. Good luck getting out.

  3. first look for only news papers in the library if not if you have a Attic and you can go up there find some papers. if not find a person that is know as a median or ask a prest or a pasture to bless the house.these a word for midoms in the phone book but i don,t know what they are called. if you don,t what her in the house ask god to help her go to heven.

  4. I answered your question there.

  5. lets see if i understand you right. you have all the information from when the house was built up to the year 2000 so you now looking for information from 2000 to present date, am i correct? If so what i would first do is ask around this area many people do not move and someone may be able to give you a little history of the past 7 years. i would then go to the library and check out micro film or old newspapers dating back for anything related to this death. If someone indeed died in that house it would show up in newsprint.

    If at this time you have found nothing what you may want to do is find out an older history of this place before this house was built. see if another house use to be there or a building. Spirits do not need the original dwellings to remain just the area.

    good luck

  6. you can check with the police dept. or old newspapers to see if anything has happen in that area. If that is no help call in a paranormal team to do an investigation to see what they are able to find.

  7. ok look it up in google. type past suicides in lats 10 years in "whatever town u live in" and look for something that has ur adress in it. u should find out pretty fast.

  8. Well, you say someone came into your house and said it's a girl in her 20's who killed herself. This person had to find that out SOMEHOW. If that person claims the "felt" it, then it's likely they were lying. Try someone else. There are people the spirits trust and will speak to, there are also people who have spirits with them most the time.

    Also, it seems you may know this, but very few are malevolent and even those that are lack the physical being to cause any real harm.

    If you don't want to search for someone who has more experience or stronger abilities then I'd suggest talking to whoever is in the house. Let them know they're welcome to stay, tell them about your day, tell them jokes. I'm sure they won't respond at first, but if they begin to feel comfortable with you and consider you as a friend, you may learn all you ever wanted to know.

    Just keep an open mind.

  9. Have you ever tried asking her? I've always thought we can communicate with spirits if they make themselves visible. If they can touch us, we can touch them. there has to be a way to communicate other than bringing in a medium. Start by talking, then writing.

  10. You might check the police records at your county court house. Also check the vital statistics section of the same courthouse...good luck!!

  11. Get lots of Spam (the chopped meat and not the emails). Spirits like Spam

  12. Where do you live...I know someone that can clear your house...or if you are too far, I am sure there is someone in your area...But you are saying you don't mind the girl being there..if this is so, she will feel this and never leave!!She is stuck, and you can help her to move on...

  13. Ok, no. There's no suicide girl in your house. Look at old newspapers, if there was a suicide it would be mentioned.

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