
So i still need some help?

by  |  earlier

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ok so for those of you who have answered my questions thanks. Yes, I have talked to my coach and have decided not to play. I do feel much better mentally and physically. I know that I am an adult now and need to make decisions for my own life. I also should add that I am not on scholorship for this sport at college. I'm just so afraid that i know i've let my parents down, but i feel that if have told them everything I am feeling and what is in my heart and that if they can't accept that then..i guess i dont know what to do. I am so close to my family and they are my support system. I'm just so scared that they won't talk to me and won't forgive me. Everytime i brought up not playing they would scream and literally be furious and then hang up on me. I know it is my life but i'm going through such a hard time now with being homesick that I can't imagine not being able to talk to them. Thanks everyone!




  1. i think it will just take time for them to get over the idea of you not playing. If they are anything like my mom was with me, they enjoy watching you play and seeing you excel at a challenging sport. So all i  can say is you are their daughter and they will never forget that they probably don't understand your decision so they are acting in anger. I would just give them time.

  2. So you have taken all those suggestions that we made before... hmmm... I guess you can talk to one of your best friends' mom, the best mom in this world who can understand you, and tell her what has been happening, and ask her a favor of talking to your parents to get you out of this emotional struggle.

  3. since they are your parents, eventually they will understand. it may take them a while but once they come to their senses they will undertsand that it was your decision and you dint want to play.

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