
So i text this guy but he didnt text me bac...should i call him, he usually makes the moves first.....?

by  |  earlier

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like hes called me a few times and he usually texts me a lot...but he hasnt really done that in a few days and im sure hes busy, were both in college and this is our first week of class....but do u think hes waiting for me to make some moves? like call him? cuz last time we talked we were both at parties and i had first dared him to call me and he did...then he dared me to call him...which i did but his feidns answered and then he took his phone and asked if he coiuld call me back. but he didnt. so i waited till the next night and i texted him, but no reply. should i call him or what do u think hes thinking?




  1. You texted him, so now the ball is in his court. You should wait until he gets back to you. If he hasn't done so, in say a week, then, he's not going to.

    So you may just have to give up on him.

  2. O in the same situation...ive been talking to this guy for the past few months...and we talk and text alot..but these past few days...i text him...he doesnt reply...i call...and his phones i just figure if he wants to talk to me..he will call me...i know its hard...BUT JUST WAIT IT

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