
So.. i want to buy a new pet and i was wondering can you buy sea horses?

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they are so cool




  1. no.

  2. yes you can buy them, but even for expert aquarium keepers, they are extreamly hard to keep

    i would suggest something else, like if you want fish, something hardy like clown fish.  

    or maybe a rodent of some sort - mice are cute.  a friend of mine had rats, they were awesome, and really nice and soft!

  3. Sea Horses are not pets. They are to be respected for they have been put in the ocean to serve as guardians to the king of Atlantis. When some little girl puts them in her room as "pets", they disrupt the entire monarchy in the ocean world and then thats when the darker forces use that to their advantage and overthrow the king and his people who rule Atlantis today.

  4. the first guy is right however the do sell them! Personally I think it is really sad to see a sea horse in someones tank because then belong in the ocean!

  5. Yes. Look for salt water pet stores online or Petsmart and Petco do sell them. Make sure you are all set up with your salt water tank and it is all cycled before you get one.

  6. Yes, they are available in pet shops. But i don't suggest that you buy them,expecially if you do not have much experience in keeping saltwater tanks, it is very difficult to take care of them. I suggest getting a freshwater tank, or if your looking for something interesting and different, then you might want to consider keeping freshwater lobster (crayfish).

  7. ooh. i wanna a seahorse. i already have fish, but seahorses are AWESOMELY AWESOME!!!

  8. yes you can!

    I dont know any place or anybody who has them, but I really wanted one because there so cool!

  9. Yes, you can buy them.

    However, sea horses are marine creatures require exceptionally good water quality and are finnicky eaters. This means:

    -You need to have experience on setting up and running marine tanks.

    -You need to have experience in the water chemistry of marine tanks to better understand how to maximize water quality.

    -You need to understand seahorse diet and how to get them to eat without polluting the tank.

    If you can't do these, you can admire what they look like, but don't keep one.

    If you really want one, work your way up. Start by researching saltwater aquaria and starting with hardy fish that'll get you started. After some years of keeping them successfully, you can try your hand at seahorses.

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