
So i want to get back into acting?

by Guest60198  |  earlier

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so a few years ago i was in acting and modling and i went to a few casting calls but found out that they were taking money from us (about $3000.00) and so i quit i also wasnt very interested in it but now that what i want to do.

and now i just want to work my way up

so what are some things i can do to get back in it

this will help me very much thatnk you




  1. I realize that people get ripped off, but you do know that everyone gets a piece right?  Agents, managers, and anyone else you hire to do anything will take a cut and sometimes you are left with nothing.  The key is to make sure you hire only who you really need.  You also need to make sure you have a reputable agent and not some hack who really isn't an agent and therefore will take whatever they want.  

    To get back in, you have to do what anyone else would being new.  Any legit credits you may have had could be too old now to count.  You need to build a recent resume and get into classes.  Hopefully you're in an area where filming is proficient.  Get on and and start looking for auditions.  If you are under 18 get your parents to set it up for you.  If AA has a lot for you, get a Showfax subscription for $68 for the year.  They provide audition sides and that will give you a year of free AA audition submissions, not a bad deal.  Plus you can use the Showfax sides from any project as something to practice with.  For commercials try but honestly I'd go with the others first because LA is expensive in my opinion.

    Once you've been in classes for a while and built up a more recent resume (not to mention done some networking) start trying to get an agent.  Hopefully you've made some good undustry connections and some of them would be more than happy to refer you personally to their agent.  Start submitting to Agents you find on the SAG list and Ross Reports.

    From experience, I'm sure you know that NO legit agent charges an upfront fee.  If you are talented and they believe in you they take a leap of faith by taking you on.  They have to front the costs of sending out your h&r to CD's for auditions, etc.  If you dont book, then they may drop you but that's the way it goes.

    Keep pounding the pavement and always keep training.  Stay in class.

    good luck,


  2. Ok... so now you know it...No one ensures you success (only scammers!). First, make yourself clear if you want a JOB or an ACTIVITY that will make you happy. If you want to be "famous" (means being professional to you), and then make money, you should differentiate that being notorious is not necesary being talented, or, even worse, will make you compromise many ethical things that you might not like to do or act in plays that you dont really like. Be professional, not famous. Make what will nurture you. Best of luck.

  3. you shoudl do some classes!participate in plays! build up your resume! get an agent! do auditions! get headshots!

    and for an agent go to and scroll down till you find city nearest you

    read everythign you see! and click on words in blue but not double udnerlined ones and i suggest that you sign up with alan baltes go to first site and look at right column it explains everything! he wont be an agent just help you out and its a one time fee of 30 dollars and totally worth it!please do not report mee ok i am not doing anything bad and this isnt spam or solicitation its not my site!i just copy and paste my answer cause its teh same for every question and sometimes i alter it! whats wrong with that?

  4. The greatest stars were ripped off, but they learned and worked their way up.

    keep trying, if your sure you have the talent go into finding an agent with a resume and head shot.

    Make sure the agent doesn't want you to pay up front. (that's one of the ways an agent rips you off, by making you pay some type of fee.)

    Also just keep trying, with more experience.

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