
So i want to sell my truck....?

by  |  earlier

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but people just keep calling me to tell me that they will just take over payments, out of everyone, just one person sounded the best... he said he has bad credit cuz of his ex girlfriend, there will be a contract stating that if he misses any payments he will give back the truck, he will also get full coverage insurance, and give me down payment.....although everyone tells me not to do it, why does this sound to good? what am i missing? what could go wrong?




  1. so you want to spend al your time chasing down some phantom??

    I would make a deal with you,,,get the truck,,,drive it to california wher i want to live,,, dump the truck in an alley.

    But maybe you are smarter than me

  2. Very bad deal for you. Don't even give it a second thought.

  3. He could wreck the truck and dissapear. He could be caught with drugs and the truck gets confiscated. Everyone is right don't do it.

  4. Cash talks,  Bull **** walks.  Don't let any scam or c**p story fool you.  If they don't have cash then don't sell the truck. Pay in Full is the only way you'll sell this truck.

    everything that can go wrong will go wrong if you accept any type of "deal" from anyone.

  5. If it's worth very much, accept a cashier's check or cash only.  If he's trustworthy, he can get his own loan, and they will give him a cashier's check for it.

    Any scheme where you still have title of the truck while somebody you don't know very, very well is a bad idea.  They can get you in a ton of legal trouble.  The risk is just not worth it.

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