
So i was accepted for school newspaper staff!?

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any suggestion?




  1. Learn as many different skills as possible -- try your hand at writing, layout, and photography. Write straight news, sports, features and opinion.

    Most of all, if you're considering journalism as a career, DO NOT think yourself as a "newspaper" journalist. Simply put, there is no future for newspaper writers (or TV reporters, for that matter). The ad revenue is shifting online, and that means the jobs are too.

    Journalists now need to be versed in writing, voicing, shooting photos, and editing video. If you're not learning those skills in your journalism class, ask why not. If your newspaper isn't blogging and putting its product online, make yourself the online editor and do it yourself.

    The more skills you learn now, the more employable you'll be in the real world.

  2. Congratulations on your recent admission to your school's newspaper. Being a part of the staff is a rewarding experience. I would take some time to find out what programs that the program uses to make the paper, and perhaps get a copy so you can experiment. I'm going on my 4th year as a member of my school's yearbook/newspaper staff, and what helped me the most was finding someone nice in there to show me the ropes. Last year I was Co-editor and this year I'm editor of the "Features" section.

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