
So i was thinking of becoming a mechanical engineer anyone have any advice? thanx?

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what kind of math would i need to study?




  1. Basically, you need to be good in math and science, especially in Calculus and physics. I am currently studying ME at the University of Illinois, and pretty much you will be studying lots of math and physics, as well as design classes. GPA has to at least 3.4, or a good SAT score to compensate, but if you got lots of AP credits in science and math, you would be good.

  2. I go to an engineering school in New York City (Polytechnic University) and study Chemical Engineering. If you want to be a Mechanical Engineer, learn as much math as you can. Do all around well in school (above 3.5) and apply to engineering schools (Columbia, The Cooper Union, Polytechnic, etc)


  3. The previous posters all have good and accurate points. Math is extremely important. You wiill need everything up to calculus 3 and statistics. You will get more math during engineering classes. It's not an easy course and many cannot keep a GPA at or above a 3.0... so work hard now if your math so that you dont have to later..

  4. okay am gonna be BRUTALLY HONEST with you. if you're going into engineering cos you think yu gonna make all those fancy stuffs you see on discovery, er..chances are you gonna be so disappointed. i mean its all bull **** theory here. and its greatly OVER RATED...its so BORING....i work at Boeing rite now, they pay me well for a student at least, but ****...AM SO BOREEEEDDDD!!!!...maybe u might be lucky enough to be in a company that might be interesting, but i doubt

    now if u're goin in to engineering cos of the money, hm..not bad, they pay well......just get ready to play with a lot of MATH that will drive you crazy!!am talking triple integral calculus here, those long "s"...3 OF EM!!! and fluid mechanics.....and all the guyz are gonna "hit" on you since there's like ZERO gurls in engineering....which sucks!

    well, to be honest with you, just make sure u know wat u getting yourself into, cos its very tough. Enjoy!!!

  5. You are considering one of the most rewarding careers.

    Firt things first, assuming you are still in high school, take all the math you can and know it well. You would also be on the right track to carry a good GPA as well, but even a sub-standard GPA can be turned around as long as your willing to work hard, as this will be a trying degree to obtain. But definately worth it in the long run.

    Next, take more math classes!!! Yes i realize this  is a redundant statement but as anyone remotel;y close to the field will tell you there is a seemingly unending trail of math classes you will be required to take to earn your degree.

    Also, your physics, chemistry, and english are quite important as well.

    Start looking at schools BEFORE you graduate! There are a number of good schools throughout the country that are very good engineering schools. One of which is in Iowa of all places. Iowa State University has an outstanding Engineering program and while it is not cheap it also is not outrageously expensive to attend.

    Do not give up! It may feel like your failing and will never get done, but I assure you with a little perseverance and hard work you will succeed quite nicely.

    You will need to have "thick skin" I say that in the sense that those who will repair and or construct your design will want to "fix" and critisize your designs.  

    This is a good start for now, want more info let me know and email me.

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