
So i watched BLUE CRUSH.(a few questions)?

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man i love that movie.

anyway-I'm going to be going to Hawaii this summer(YAY!) and I probably will be taking a surfing lesson. I really dont want to embarrass myself when i go(aka "look like a stupid tourist"). Is there anything i can work on (i live in ohio) so that surfing will be a little easier. exercises and such. also, should i buy like a rashguard or board shorts or something because I think the lessons will prob. have us on the board alot before going into the water (right?) and i dont want to get a rash or irritated skin.

thanks a bunch.




  1. Listen to jxt229....he gave the right answer. Forget the rest....sorry....

    AND paddle.

    Take a board and go out on a flat sea or lake, whatever.....

    just paddle....the more the better.

    Make it a goal to paddle for as long as you can and sprint too.......

    2-3 hours everyday....

    You need to build the right muscles, and create nerve pathways......

  2. Most people in beach area are tourists, but nobody looked stupid :). Local people would be working in sugar factory, hotels, restaurants, or Walmart/K-mart... that is just my personal opinion though.

    People in Hawaii are *very* nice. If you are coming out of a gas station, cars in two right lanes would yield and let you come out even though they have green light.

    I was in Maui about five years ago. My first impression was "Oops, this place is no better than California"... we got there in a cloudy afternoon with scattered shower. My Sony with "sports jacket" worked perfectly.

    My second day was "relaxing", swimming in the ocean, snorkeling with other tourists. I tried "surfing" with a toy boat, and ended up tearing that boat apart after tumbling under the wave several times. Sport jacket would not work under the water, so that we had to purchase a prepackaged Kodak.

    If you want to prepare yourself for the trip, make sure you bring your favorite bathing suits (bikini is highly recommended), under-water camera/camcorder, and your snorkeling set (if you don't want to "share" the rental one).

    Sun glasses and sun block scream are needed everyday, even when it is cloudy.

  3. I think the only people that look "stupid" surfing are the one's that are too prideful to learn from someone and think they know it all.  In my oppinion as long as you don't do this you will have nothing to be embarrased about, everyone's gotta learn.

  4. it doesnt matter what u do u will look like a tourist, so just enjoy the lesson they wont take you to the north shore or anything massive millions of people go to surf schools around the world every year....and its all ok....dude....

  5. I've lived in Hawaii for 15 years.  Buy the clothes, etc in Hawaii.  There's tons of surf stores and you'll be buying the latest stuff that's in style in the islands.   Do push-ups and pop up to your feet a couple hundred times(like you would on a surf board).  That should get you in shape.  Also, swim some laps at the pool and get your paddling muscles ready.  Good luck!

  6. I have been surfing for over forty years, and lots of days I look stupid. Also, surfing isn't about clothes (that's called posing). It's about riding waves. Go to a real surf shop (not a bathing suit store that sells surfboards). Somebody there will help you buy the right stuff to wear and steer you toward somebody good for lessons.

    Surfing is an ocean sport. Swimming in the ocean isn't like swimming in a pool. If you really want to train, swim, swim, swim. I've seen lots of great pool swimmers get the a$$es kicked in the ocean, so be prepared, although most lessons are conducted in pretty tame surf.

    Surfing is just one reason why I would never live in Ohio. But I hear there are rideable waves in lake Erie in the winter.

  7. Exersizes.... Surfing is about the core of your body. Try sit ups, pushups and exersizes that deal with balance like yoga. Hawaii's south shore is an awsome place. Depending on where you go it may be too big to surf, but theres usually somewhere smaller. Go with an instructer if you dont know how. The reef is usually very shallow and dangerous. A small reef cut can get ya staff infection. Dont touch the sea urchins either. Have fun its a majical place. Experience all u can.

  8. don't worry about your appearance. just dress appropriate for the weather: hat, sunglasses, sunblock!, tank top, short-shorts, thong sandals, bikini. Buy a rashgaurd in hawaii. If you're a girl, wear bikini bottom with the rashgaurd in the water.

    pullups and pushups, for endurance in paddling and standing up. It will benefit you to do them everyday during the week before your trip. Also stretching and balance. This isn't something you can cram for the night before. Don't workout the day before you surf. You wont want to be sore.

  9. i love that movie and surfing

    pretend like your paddling and stand up

    work on upperbody strength

    and balance

  10. Don't worry about looking stupid! Everyone who surfs understands that you gotta learn somehow.  Just realize where not to go! Stick to the surf school lessons and you will be "Alright".

    Buy your surf wear while in the islands, you'll be styling!


  11. Eh, when you come to Hawaii Nei just enjoy yourself no matta what you look like or whateveas just Hele Mai (come by), have fun and spread the aloha's with da boys!!!

    Au Ryte!


    lr-from da Big Aina

  12. omg i love that movie well since the water is usually warm in hawaii wear a bikini top and boardshorts. also just have fun in the water no one is gonna know u are a tourist. surfing is really fun >>>

  13. There's actually quite a bit you can do to prepare before you ever actually touch a surfboard.  You can practice getting up!  Lie on your floor, do some paddle strokes, then just like you'd rise on a surfboard--stand up!  It sounds so simple, but you need to prepare your nerve pathways and muscles to do it, its the most basic thing you will do in surfing.  Do it slowly and be sensitive to the muscles and nerves you are using.  Do not go to your knees when you get up, just pop your feet up under your body, hands on the floor--and use them to balance yourself, then rise.  When you are actually surfing your hands will definitely be used to balance.  You might also try to rent some surf videos and watch them carefully, note how people take off--you must not be too far back on your board or you will never catch the wave, and not too far forward or you will "pearl" which is to be avoided at all costs.  Have a good time!

  14. i like that movie 2

    u can draw a board on the ground and practice getting up like u r surfing

    u can also get a balance board thats called an indo board, u stand on the mini surfboard that is on a tube and it helps your balance so much!!!!!!

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