
So if Bill Clinton ?

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was a bad role model..anyone remember that? Is Sarah Palin a bad role model, for not teaching her daughter to take care of herself?




  1. Yes and so is McCain for having a divorce from his first wife  (after a well documented affair). These 2 clearly are not the moral authority on family issues. Though somehow they would have you believe it. The real question here isn't Palin... It's McCain... He is the poor role model.

  2. Apparently.

  3. Tsk tsk, you shouldn't bring up Mr. clinton since the neo-cons don't want us looking into people's personal lives.

  4. I'm guessing she tried to teach her.  Some lesson's don't stick until they are (sadly) learned the hard way.  

    The issue is not the same as Clinton.  Palin (I assume) taught her daughter (a minor) right from wrong; it's up to the student to learn.  Clinton, an adult and the President of the United States of America, willingly committed adultery in the Oval Office.  

  5. Bill Clinton was an adult making the poor choices.  Have grace for a 17 year old.

  6. You can teach children many things but teenagers have a free will.

    Now if you compare Bill Clinton to Bristol then that may be a fairer match.

  7. What i think is that clition was was bad or not so good president and that obama isn't going to be any better so i wanted huckibee but he's not in it anymore so GO MC-CAIN

  8. both were bad role models

    Vote Obama 2008!!!!!

  9. Give it up. There is no comparison. Does your teacher know that you are playing around on the internet during class time?

  10. who cares? go bill!!!

  11. Who cares about the bj that does not have anything to do with being president like he was first to do that. You can not stop someone from doing something most people do stuff before there 18 only few wait till married. I though Bill Clinton was a great president I would vote for him if he could run

  12. As I recall, Bill had his way with an intern then DENIED it, even to the point of lying BALD FACED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, then actually saying (and you can't make this stuff up), "It depends on what the definition of 'is' is" in defending himself.

    Palin, on the other hand, taught her daughter that the only 100% effective way to not get pregnant is to abstain. Then, after her daughter failed to model her mother's behavior,  Palin is being true to her core belief and encouraging her daughter to not abort the baby.

    Seems like a pretty good role model to me.

  13. As far as I'm aware, Sarah Palin didn't assault anyone.

    Everyone makes mistakes, it's how you handle those mistakes that shows character.

    And as far as not bringing up peoples personal lives, what Bill Clinton did, he did in the oval office, and therefore negates any expectation of privacy.

    Sarah Palin's daughter is not running for office.

  14. Bill Clinton was a married man having not one, but multiple affairs, while in public office.  and I do mean "IN" the public office.  then of course, he lied to everyone once he was caught.

    the Palin family situation is personal, and I find it amazing that the democrats keep coming back on them, when so many democrat constituents are unwed, single mothers, often times with multiple children by multiple fathers.

    Sarah Palin taught her children right from wrong, but as a former 17 year old, i know exactly how easy it is to go astray.  if this is the only thing democrats have against Sarah Palin, she will make an incredible VP.

  15. We all, even our leaders, have feet of clay.  Very few people measure up to the ideal of a role model.  I think we all aspire to be better people than we are, but sometimes we fail.  Let's have a little compassion and remember that the opportunity is always there to pick youself up and do better.
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