
So if I became a vegetarian 2 days ago, how long would it take for the fattening growth hormones .....?

by Guest33797  |  earlier

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in the meat I used to eat, to leave my body ?

Does it ever leave ?




  1. Increasing water consumption will help flush out your body. Taking a chlorophyll supplement also helps with cleansing & detoxing.

    Switching over to soy or rice milk will help to greatly reduce the added hormones in your diet, since cows' milk is full of growth hormones.

  2. everyday you'll feel a little better....

    If this is your reason..(sounds like a great one) make sure you watch your milk's loaded with that stuff.

    or buy organic, it's so worth it.

  3. Nope it will never leave you. It will consume you until you're as big as a blimp. It wants those sausages. Just kidding. Really don't know. LMAO

  4. Becoming vegetarian doesn't change your hormones. But you might lose weight as long as you eat a well balanced diet and get some exercise. If you are eating an overload of high fat, starchy/sugary food and not getting enough exercise you may even gain weight.

    I was an overweight child and teenager. I lost weight when I quit drinking alcohol and eating meat. I could eat how ever much I wanted and not gain weight.

    But I was young then. Now I'm 51 and it's not as easy to keep the weight off. I've also become lazier since breaking my knee in 2002 and I love starchy food.

  5. 2 long

  6. I could take a while

  7. I hope that this whole vegan thing doesn't mean that you're not gonna cook meat for ME.  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚™Â¥

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